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[Tinglayan] Buscalan Rice Terraces Kissed the Clouds

"This is my story about the Buscalan Rice Terraces. At first there is a foreplay with the clouds but it always ends up with a satisfactory finish."

That was so sweet. You don't need to taste it. You can actually feel it. That romantic moment for a solo backpacker when I let my bones shiver to the tune of a freezing zephyr made me fall in love. Yes, I fell in love with nature although that natural morning compelled me to execute random artificial robotic moves. I don't have excess fats in my body to insulate me from the cold. You know, I have to contract my muscles like a passive-active exercise training scheme.

[TINGLAYAN] So the clouds (uh, fog) went down

And there, out there, who am I not to entertain this temptation? Anyway this temptation isn't against the law, public policy, good customs & traditions and morals.

In simple words, I am just exercising the right explicitly (yet malleable provision) granted by the Philippine Constitution for me as a Filipino citizen to have this freedom. In simpler words, I have the right to liberty. In simplest word (and don't you ever twist this fact), I have the right to be free. But here is the real twist, the right to liberty is not absolute. But this is not a political law blog. So I hope you can give me a chance to prove that my topic for this post is the rice terraces kissing the clouds. Ready?


I am not an early bird. And should the coastal city where I live has this view, I wouldn't dare fall to the trap of this temptation and wake up early (except if Jessie Mendiola will personally meet me in-which-case I can even not sleep the whole night if that is the effortless requirement).

[TINGLAYAN] This early bird is about to kiss the ground, you think it's romantic? Duh!

I'm nocturnal and voluntarily waking up early is against my bucket list. But as I said, I rarely witness this kind of view where these ancient rice terraces become seemingly a giant stairway to the clouds. For that, it was a natural affair and I have a good reason to discontinue my sleep.

The earth (represented by the mountains with rice terraces therein) kissed the heavens (the clouds volunteered to be the official representative without the consent of the ionosphere).

So I witnessed how the nature do the kissing before the sun appeared. But in the event [that] that scene did not appear that day, I would just make myself believe that when that rooster kisses the ground, that's so romantic and I won't consider it awkward.

[TINGLAYAN] The rice terraces, covered by thick fog. Please, consider this as clouds.

[TINGLAYAN] Buscalan Rice Terraces before the sun appeared

But the nature knew how to tempt me really. Thank God still, that rooster kissing the ground served as my alarm clock and I think that's less awkward than when Jessie Mendiola stares at me eye to eye for a minute.

Seeing the view made me want to exclaim numerous adjectives and flowery words but I pretended I was speechless like under the state of shock to make it extra intense!


And I really considered that wondrous view to be a kissing scene of the elements of nature. After the clouds caressed the bumps of the earth, the latter effortlessly unleashed it's beauty that is really a good background for kissing in a photo bomb.

[TINGLAYAN] Buscalan Rice Terraces after a contact with the clouds

So this view became independent. There was no need for cockcrowing post covert sunrise to reveal the beauty of the earth. This was like a picture of single blessedness (without the clouds' caress to make it double).

I realized this spectacular view is worth a missed kiss from Jessie Mendiola in my dreams. The bottom element (earth) surely outperformed the top (clouds). But since such collision produces an astounding natural breathtaking display, I'll give the heavens the benefit of the doubt.

[TINGLAYAN] Oh my! This color is so #TownExplorer and I love it!

[TINGLAYAN] This is really a pleasure for the eyes. Perfect stimulus!

[TINGLAYAN] I own this photo, but I don't own those rice terraces (how. i. wish.)

The beautiful mountains turned to be like my real property. Green is everywhere and that is so #TownExplorer. Being green-minded, I call this home.

This is my story about the Buscalan Rice Terraces. At first there is a foreplay with the clouds but it always ends up with a satisfactory finish. Who would not consider this view satisfactory before the naked eye? So if you want to witness the kissing foreplay of nature, then I would suggest wait for the ending, that's the best part. Everything is revealed and released. Like this cool beautiful rice terraces now uncovered by the thick fog, and maybe the clouds. So now that's sweet. See it. Feel it. Don't taste.

And for the last installment of this series, I witnessed a local industry that's beyond the ink and the blood. This is about fire, and on how this fire can defeat this extra hard cold stone (Teaser: This is not Stone Cold the wrestler, at least you'll have an idea this is not a WWF show review). /to be continued...

P.S. I can't believe I'm about to finish this looong sub-series. Clap! Clap! Clap!


[TINGLAYAN] The Day I Hiked Solo to Buscalan, Kalinga - Part 1/2

TEASER:"I am soliloquizing under the scorching strike of the sun that is adding more agony to my weary self. I hope I am not yet lost. But if ever I'm lost, at least I'm lost in a paradise."
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[TINGLAYAN] The Day I Hiked Solo to Buscalan, Kalinga - Part 2/2

TEASER:"So I thought the hike is over, but as I took a turn on that road, I saw the other side of the mountain and it doesn't look like I am getting any closer. It goes farther, and farther..."
| 3

[TINGLAYAN] Fang-Od (Whang-Od): The Last Tribal Tattoo Artist of Kalinga

TEASER:"She is unwittingly ending a tradition she is not supposed to end. She's ending the tradition not by her choice but by the call of our ever changing society."
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[TINGLAYAN] 17 Great Memories + First Time Encounters in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER:"Buscalan rose to fame because of Fang-od. But Buscalan is more than Fang-od. It is more than the tribal tattoo."
| 5

[TINGLAYAN] Chewed, Swallowed Frogs in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER:"We talked with joy behind the darkness. That dinner unleashed the real us. The candlelight was a silent witness of our fears, happiness and life's perspectives."
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[TINGLAYAN] There was No Sunrise in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER: "So the sun didn't shine that morning. However, I was able to understand the other side of the story."
| 7

Tinglayan #TownExploration Series

Map showing the Location of #Tinglayan

Click map to view latest articles covering Kalinga


[TINGLAYAN] Bugnay Rice Terraces and that Lucky Village in Kalinga

TEASER:"The Kalinga prima facie evidence in terms of beauty should not be a subject for debate because if I were to be the judge, the evidence is too strong to put the case to rest."

[SADANGA] Mt Province: Bekigan Rice Terraces, A Cultural Heritage

TEASER:"...not every beautiful beach should be crowded, not every mountain should be hiked and for the case of Bekigan Rice Terraces, not every rice terraces should be flocked by visitors."

[BONTOC] Palali Rice Terraces: Of First-time Penetration, Pain and Pleasure

TEASER:"As I reach the peak, which is the climax of everything, my eyes bulged in pleasure brought by a feast-to-the-eye-destination with a little bit of brain clouding. I have just reached the point of no return."

[BONTOC] Bayyo Rice Terraces and Waterfalls - Highland Paradise Living

TEASER:"The presence of the rice terraces is an evidence of an engineering expertise of the Igorot ancestors..."

[CERVANTES] Rice Terraces: Turning to Vegetable Terraces Too

TEASER:"...no time is wasted, their limited farming fields at the slope of the mountain become productive all year round."

[Tinglayan] Blacksmith Kingdom of Kalinga: Turning Stones into Fire

"If there is no concept of poverty, there shall be no poverty. But poverty has been introduced by greedy kingdoms while the little kingdom dwellers of the mountains recognized it's presence."

Each destination is a new learning realm; and every new destination is a kingdom of new great encounters! A troupe of resilient human beings make their way to defeat the kingdom's foes. Their ingenuity has made the kingdom to still flourish despite of the many threats for survival. Aside from typhoon dragons and a battalion of fear riding on horses of uncertainty trying to attack their kingdom, a multitude of dreams has motivated the people to fight the foes. Armed with determination and bullets of inherent skills and expertise, the people use the chariot of their culture to live a life filled with a good fight of faith.

Local Industry in Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga

[TINGLAYAN] Father and son: a tandem fight of faith

Buscalan, aside from being a PARADISE IN THE CLOUDS

[TINGLAYAN] Buscalan Rice Terraces Kissed the Clouds

TEASER: "This is my story about the Buscalan Rice Terraces. At first there is a foreplay with the clouds but it always ends up with a satisfactory finish."
, it is also a kingdom of immense cultural display. This cultural realm takes pride of it's GREAT QUEEN OF THE INK

[TINGLAYAN] Fang-Od (Whang-Od): The Last Tribal Tattoo Artist of Kalinga

TEASER:"She is unwittingly ending a tradition she is not supposed to end. She's ending the tradition not by her choice but by the call of our ever changing society."
who puts intricate marks of fairy tale permanent on the skin of friendly ambassadors of peace from other kingdoms of the planet.

These marks are old-age symbols of the kingdom's glorious past now being defeated gradually by an influential weapon that easily spreads and attacks from the air. They ride on an ultra-modern spaceship of the modern world.

They easily penetrate the heart of every family in the kingdom through hippie sounds and both still and moving images of glitz and glamour under the guise of subliminal queens coming from the kingdom of pop culture. Unknown to the people of the kingdom of Buscalan, some of their enemies are already living with them, at home. If the people of the kingdom has survived from physical defeat of the imperialist platoon of the kingdoms from the West, the latest weapon seems to be tricky disguising in the form of entertainment. That said, the unique features of their kingdom is now being replaced by the culture of the pop kingdom. The pop queen has killed the ink princesses. The Great Queen of the Ink is actually the last reigning cultural ruler. Physical death is waiting to dethrone her.


Part of the fight of faith in this little kingdom located atop the mountains of an Archipelago in the East is to turn stones into fire, then stones again. This is a physical weapon they craft for their survival. The people of this kingdom don't use this in physical fights but they rather use it to fight a much tricky enemy of the war - that is poverty.

Local Industry in Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga

[TINGLAYAN] Crafting a kingdom weapon for the war

Poverty is a concept introduced by the kingdoms from the West. The financial system of the world is based on central banks controlled by money rulers of the money kingdom. The money kingdom is so huge that it's imperial force is widespread. It has changed the concept of living in the little kingdoms including Buscalan.

The money kingdom has turned governments into a form of business. Alter-egos of the financial kings and queens have deprived the little people of their life, culture, property and even liberty. The simple life, where there is no need to spend the notes (of no real value) of the money kingdom has changed.

Local Industry in Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga

[TINGLAYAN] Trained to face the war in the kingdom

The imperialists tricked the people of the smaller kingdoms. The mode of trade has changed, now in the form of paper with the value printed therein. The trees of the mountain kingdoms have been cut down to make these paper notes of no real value. The real people who are able to dig and mine gold and silvers from beneath the earth have become slaves in exchange of papers they use to sustain the needs of their families back in their little abode.

Those who dig out the gold with physical effort become poorer while those who have the paper notes become richer. The industrious people of the smaller kingdoms has become defeated. The weapon is too strong that all they have to do is to be a slave of their enemy poverty to survive the challenges of their kingdom abode.


In little kingdoms where life is simple, the concept of poverty does not really exist. Living a simple, happy and peaceful life is all what it takes to be a kingdom citizen. Happiness is a wealth. Simplicity is a virtue. Peace is a norm.
Local Industry in Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga

[TINGLAYAN] This man fights the war with stones shaped by fire

Come the Western concept of poverty - that is the absence or scarcity of notes in possession. The simple kingdom life has replaced by material desires and greed. Those who plant rice and mine the earth are the real wealthy people for being able to possess sacks of rice and gold. But the concept of West kingdoms changed the perspective.

The West kingdom has invented television and the internet to market different stuff you can only acquire when you have the notes of the invasive money kingdom. They make it appear that a simple life in the mountains is a bad idea. The money kingdom shows delicious food with toxic preservatives, alcoholic beverages that seem to be a necessity in social gatherings, golden jewelries that actually came from the kingdom citizens who are able to extract them from the earth, and images of beautiful girls to make it appear that the standard of beauty is at least having a white skin so that you will buy their skin-whitening products -- all for the collection of notes: a virtual wealth that has long been made to appear real.

The kingdom citizens of the mountains are now embracing the concept of wealth based on paper. The tricky weapons the imperialist kingdoms have devised have defeated the people of the little mountain kingdom. Their graceful tattoos are gone. The sense of pride diminished while the mindset of other kingdom citizens of the lowlands has also changed -- that tribal tattoos are dirty and shameful.

Local Industry in Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga

[TINGLAYAN] The war faced by him is a daily battle

The battle against poverty stemmed from the time the people of this mountain kingdom embraced such concept. If there is no concept of poverty, there shall be no poverty. But poverty has been introduced by greedy kingdoms while the little kingdom dwellers of the mountains recognized it's presence. Now they're living under such concept; while a generation of materialism is on the rise. From that point, there are more battles to be faced to earn that paper wealth.


Before the introduction of the concept of poverty, the blacksmiths of Kalinga make weapons to physically drive the invaders away. Now, they make weapons only to be converted into money (made of paper) of virtual value.

Local Industry in Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga

[TINGLAYAN] Where the king fire defeated the stone warriors

On how the kingdom citizens of Buscalan mountains learned this is something that is hard to explain. The warriors of the war against poverty have defeated the cold stones and turned them malleable; let the same to surrender. The fire of their determination to survive has made them defeat the enemy with stone heart. The video below shows how this blacksmith of Buscalan shape a stone/metal through flame.


Blacksmithing in Buscalan Village of Kalinga is a local industry that involves a virtual war. The enemy is something that cannot be seen, nor be heard, nor be touched, but can be felt. The unseen enemy affects the warriors physically, mentally and emotionally. But the kingdom warriors against poverty are not ready to surrender yet. They can withstand the test. Although the enemy is something that can not be seen but can be felt, they know how to counterattack, like this blacksmithing. The process is tough but they have to do this in the name of survival. They are not giving up. They are not...

...giving up - as tough as a blacksmith, as powerful as fire. And if the people ignore the concept of poverty, they will eventually win the war. Otherwise, they have to learn the strategy of the enemy, for them to survive a war. /end


[TINGLAYAN] The Day I Hiked Solo to Buscalan, Kalinga - Part 1/2

TEASER:"I am soliloquizing under the scorching strike of the sun that is adding more agony to my weary self. I hope I am not yet lost. But if ever I'm lost, at least I'm lost in a paradise."
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[TINGLAYAN] The Day I Hiked Solo to Buscalan, Kalinga - Part 2/2

TEASER:"So I thought the hike is over, but as I took a turn on that road, I saw the other side of the mountain and it doesn't look like I am getting any closer. It goes farther, and farther..."
| 3

[TINGLAYAN] Fang-Od (Whang-Od): The Last Tribal Tattoo Artist of Kalinga

TEASER:"She is unwittingly ending a tradition she is not supposed to end. She's ending the tradition not by her choice but by the call of our ever changing society."
| 4

[TINGLAYAN] 17 Great Memories + First Time Encounters in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER:"Buscalan rose to fame because of Fang-od. But Buscalan is more than Fang-od. It is more than the tribal tattoo."
| 5

[TINGLAYAN] Chewed, Swallowed Frogs in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER:"We talked with joy behind the darkness. That dinner unleashed the real us. The candlelight was a silent witness of our fears, happiness and life's perspectives."
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[TINGLAYAN] There was No Sunrise in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER: "So the sun didn't shine that morning. However, I was able to understand the other side of the story."
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[TINGLAYAN] Buscalan Rice Terraces Kissed the Clouds

TEASER: "This is my story about the Buscalan Rice Terraces. At first there is a foreplay with the clouds but it always ends up with a satisfactory finish."
| 8

Tinglayan #TownExploration Series

Map showing the Location of #Tinglayan

Click map to view latest articles covering Kalinga


[PANGASINAN] Flesh-Eating Disease: of Prophecy, Hipocrisy and Politics

TEASER: "...though media are very entertaining and informative, our role is to become critical thinkers."

[IFUGAO] Giving the Children of Ifugao a Bright Future

TEASER:"If the smile of your crush or your loved one can make your day complete, I would say a helping hand that will make the children of the rice terraces to continually smile will mean a lot."

[VIGAN] Let's Support Vigan City for the New 7 Wonders Cities

TEASER:"Live with the people of Vigan and love it. From there, you will learn that there are just culture and traditions that can not be explained in words and can not be showcased in festivals that you have to actually experience it for a considerable length of time for you to understand.""/span>

[Tinglayan] Kin-ay: the First Kalinga Tattooed Woman I Met

"A person came close. He gently grabbed Kin-ay's arm and showed me her name. Wow! That was a lovely way of telling her name!"

That was the day when I encountered a living cultural museum. April 7, 2013: a date marked in my memory, tattooed on my heart, adopted by my DNA. She's a beautiful old woman. Her name is Kin-ay, a Kalinga tattooed woman whom I met for the very first time in this space of opportunity.

Kalinga Tattooed Woman

The reptilian-look arm is tantamount to beauty in her culture.

I've met a lot of tattooed women, some are gangsters, some are achievers, but Kin-ay's tattoo has this design that can beat all the hippest tattoos in town. 

Unlike Fang-od, she does not have the skill of tattooing but she has this charisma to make every Kalinga tattoo hunter's heart to jump with joy.

Kalinga Tattooed Woman

Her tattoo is a sign of bravery.

I've met some tattooed women in BONTOC but this group of tattooed women in Kalinga is yet another desire my culture-lustful body is fantasizing.

So upon I stepped on a Kalinga soil for the very first time, I saw Kin-ay. I saw her tattoos marked on that skin with love. Also, she's the first tattooed woman from Kalinga I've ever met. 

Seeing her was like I was transported to a different space and dimension. She is a festival herself, a grandiose event, a living masterpiece. My eyes were witnessing a grand cultural show in the person of her. That's how I reacted for the first time. You know, my first time experiences are the most memorable.

Kaling Tattooed Woman

A closer look of that lovely tattoo

Kalinga Tattooed Woman

Her name is marked on the posterior aspect of her forearm

Her name was tattooed on her skin. I asked her name but she didn't answer me. I knew, she can't understand my Ilocano tongue. A person came close. He gently grabbed Kin-ay's arm and showed me her name. Wow! That was a lovely way of telling her name! K I N - A Y.

My very first exposure in Kalinga was priceless, to think that this is just the start of the journey of meeting the last tribal tattoo artist in Kalinga.

Kin-ay belongs to an endangered culture. Soon it will be extinct. The culture of tattooing is waving goodbye. The younger generation of Kalinga women has learned to let go of the culture.

Kalinga tattooed Women

My photo with her. I paid her 20 pesos for this photo.

Kalinga tattooed Women

I met Kin-ay for the second time

Kalinga tattooed Women

She puts on a traditional headwear and porcelain necklace

Kalinga tattooed Women

She looks like a Westerner here, isn't it?

Our first meet-up with Kin-ay never became the last. The second chance was so generous. She still wears that turban and her necklace.

Usually, a necklace like that is made of porcelain they used to barter with the early Chinese traders in the lowlands.

Kalinga tattooed women

She's a cultural queen in Bugnay

It's been a year since the last time we met. How is she now? Is she still healthy and fit? Is she still living? I don't know. All I want to do is to go back there because I have a surprise for her.

I hope she'll still be alive for our 3rd meet-up. Otherwise, the surprise will be of no value anymore. /end

Tinglayan #TownExploration Series

Map showing the Location of #Tinglayan

Click map to view latest articles covering Kalinga


[TINGLAYAN] Fang-Od (Whang-Od): The Last Tribal Tattoo Artist of Kalinga

"She is unwittingly ending a tradition she is not supposed to end. She's ending the tradition not by her choice but by the call of our ever changing society."

[BONTOC] Of Old Age and Traveling: Meeting an 81-Year-Old Solobackpacker

TEASER: "This moment made me arrive to the realization that the passion for traveling is age-independent and the possibility of traveling solo around the world in old age is not a theory."

[CORDILLERA] The Last Generation of Overt Igorots

TEASER: "Each second counts, and each second that has passed means losing another second of their generation."

[BONTOC] Finding Shelter in Alab's Mt. Data: Happy Moments with Strangers

TEASER: "By time, I may forget them, so, I have to write a story about that experience that I may still remember those precious memories every time I do the recalling of happy moments."

[MANABO] Cultural Experience with AMMUTAN TRIBE of Abra

TEASER: "There was a language barrier but the mere fact that I am witnessing a portion of their culture has made me think that these people are simply unique and blessed!"

[VIGAN] Meeting the Oldest Palaspas Weaver for Palm Sunday at 74 years old

TEASER: "All I can see to the face of Lola Conchita is the sincerity in her craft -- that she loves it so much in spite of her age. She started weaving Palaspas when she was 64 years old and at that age, she finds the "need" to do it to earn for a living."

[BANTAY] The Trike Toploader Kids of Sallacong

TEASER: "I was following their way and even if the sunset will signal that they have to take a rest for now, the sunrise will again come tomorrow giving them new strength, new hope and a new day to gather more woods for their daily living."

[VIGAN] The People I Met Along the Mestizo River

TEASER: "Their lives start to revolve with these things that many of us living at the cities and working at the office don't know or not aware at all."

[Abra] Tourist Spots: 61 Attractions and Must-See Destinations

"To those people who are afraid to visit Abra, think twice. Abra is the place with real best-kept secrets."

I've been receiving several queries from my e-mail, blog comment section and social media accounts about the province of Abra so I decided to write this post to answer the queries, once and for all. The most frequently asked question I've been receiving are: What to do in Abra? or, What to see in Abra? Admit it, but to someone who haven't been here, not much is known about the province. Unlike it's neighboring provinces wherein thousand of information and photos are available online (key in Sagada, Banaue, Baguio), Abra remains relatively mysterious. With this post, I'm going to share my discoveries in this province I will label as "The Province of Pure Adventure."

Abra Valley

[BANGUED] The Abra Valley as viewed from Cassamata Hill

Remember, Abra has 27 towns. As of this post, I've been to 23 towns and currently crossing fingers to visit all the 27 towns before the end of this year. Aside from the following destinations I am going to feature, there are another 100+ destinations hiding in the province I've yet to see. For the mean time, I am going to talk about the places I've discovered, by far. I will, for now, just write a basic description of each destination because this post might get too long if I'll include a how-to-go, how-to-get-there or travel-guide-and-tips sections. Each destination included here is worthy of a separate and more detailed post in the future. I have a separate story and experience for each spot and I'm going to write them soon. For now, let's check this out.


Abra Provincial Capitol

[BANGUED] The Capitol Building located in the capital town of Bangued

Let's start with the Provincial Capitol in #BANGUED


FAST FACTS: Bangued is the capital of Abra province. Majority of the people are Ilocanos. Bangued is a bustling town located at the Abra Valley.

PHOTO: Sapilang Falls in Brgy Sagap
, the capital town of Abra. To someone who loves chasing after structures and public buildings, the provincial capitol is likely the most notable landmark in Abra. Start your Abra tour from here. Have a courtesy call (optional, but highly recommended) and start the ball rolling.


Bolo River: Abualan, San Juan, Abra

[SAN JUAN] Shallow, clear, clean and fresh river in Brgy Abualan

Enjoy the clear, cool and clean Bolo River in Brgy Abualan, San Juan. The photo above was taken 2 days after a heavy rain, yet the river is shallow. This is a 30-minute trek away from the jump off point from the village. Have picnic with friends, swim and plunge. Remember not to leave any waste. Don't leave the place without taking out your mess.


Holy Cross Church: Lagangilang, Abra.

[LAGANGILANG] This church has a charming façade.

Holy Cross Parish Church is located 30-40 minutes from Bangued along the Abra-Kalinga Road. The church provides a classic ambiance. It's façade, made of red bricks, is charming up close.


Mt Pusuey: Boliney, Abra

[BOLINEY] This photo of Mt Pusuey was taken from it's adjacent Luba town

To someone who loves mountain climbing, Mt Pusuey in Boliney town is the answer to your desire. This mountain has been declared as a national park. It has a rich biodiversity. To climb this mountain, contact the Boliney LGU. This mountain is a mainstay in legends of towns located near it.


Tumbal River: Luba, Abra

[LUBA] Boatman in Tumbal River

Tumbal River is a tributary of the greater Abra River. This river has several purpose. It is a fishing ground, a river highway (people cross this river to reach the next town) and also a favorable place for camping and/or picknicking with friends.


Utip River: Tubo, Abra

[TUBO] Refreshing view of Karayan Utip in Poblacion

Utip river, aside from being a rich source of a local fish called palileng and edible eel (igat), it is also a place where one can fight the summer heat away. See how the kids enjoy the fresh and clear water of Utip. This portion of the river is located just behind the Tubo Town Hall.


Botik River: Tubo, Abra

[TUBO] Crossing the river via motorized balsa

Botik River has the same character with the Tumbal River I've mentioned above; only that it is shallower.


Bucloc Rice Terraces: Bucloc, Abra

[BUCLOC] The rice terraces after harvest

The town of Bucloc is located in a river valley. The long stretch of the river is lined with rice terraces. Imagine yourself road tripping in a remote town and all you see along the way are rice terraces - that's the character of Bucloc + a beautiful valley with the river therein.


Manabo Irrigation Tunnel Picnic Groove: Manabo, Abra

[MANABO] Man-made pool

If you ask the people of #MANABO


FAST FACTS: Manabo is Abra's rice bowl. It has an irrigation system that feeds the fields abundantly. The town is also the home to the Muyadan sub-tribes.

PHOTO: A tribesman pouring out rice to cook a big meal for a community gathering.
on where to go in town, most likely they will suggest "Tunnel." The term tunnel is used by them to refer to the Manabo Irrigation Project with a kilometer-long irrigation tunnel that has helped the town gain it's title as the rice bowl of the province of Abra. The place has a pool and a picnic groove. It requires at least 20 minutes of trekking to reach the area. The place is quiet and relaxing.


Casa Real: Bucay, Abra

[BUCAY] Façade of the old Abra Capitol

Bucay is geographically the center of Abra. The same is also the old capital of Abra. Standing in the Bucay Poblacion is a lonely ruin of the old provincial capitol of the province. It's façade is still standing beautifully though.


Sayoyong Rice Terraces: Tubo, Abra

[TUBO] These rice terraces is located near the Utip River

This is the first set of rice terraces I've ever seen my whole life (those from Banaue proper, Batad, Bontoc and Sagada were seen by me later). As far as I am concerned, this is the most beautiful (subjective) of all the rice terraces I've seen in Abra. Although some people here say that Alangtin rice terraces are far more beautiful. I haven't seen the latter yet.


[BANGUED] Birth house of a Philippine Senate President

Now inscribed as a national historical treasure, this house is the birthplace of Sen. Quintin Paredes who used to serve as the President of the Senate of the Philippines during his time. This house is just a few blocks away north of the Abra Provincial Capitol.


Pinaing: Peñarrubia, Abra

[PEÑARRUBIA] This is a sacred place for the Tinguian people

In the lowland Tinguian town of Peñarrubia are stones placed under a huge tree (commonly balete tree). This concept is called Pinaing or Pinpinaing. This is a sacred ground for a Tinguian sub-tribe called Inlaud (or Illaud). The latter sub-tribe is one of the last sub-tribes from the ~dozen Tinguian tribes to practice such concept. They believe that their gods and dieties reside in this Pinaing to take charge of their village and to give them bountiful harvest. Take note that not everyone is allowed to see these sacred grounds. On how I was able to enter this sacred and secluded place is a story I'm going to share in the future.


Victoria Park: Bangued, Abra

[BANGUED] Overlooking downtown Bangued


[BANGUED] Abra: Victoria Park: Cassamata Hill National Park

TEASER: "My sweat started to come out which signals that my metabolism (catabolism to be specific) is activated to a higher degree. It was a good cardiovascular work-out though."
is a geographical name referring to the long stretch of a hill under public domain located at the east portion of the Bangued town center. Victoria Park, on the other hand, is a man-made park located at one of the highest parts of the Cassamata hill; got the difference? Victoria Park is a perfect place to view the Bangued downtown, the Abra River, the Abra Valley and the Sleeping Beauty Mountain.


Sabnangan Footbridge: Luba, Abra

[LUBA] Will you rather cross the bridge or the river?

Sabnangan Footbridge in Luba town is said to be the longest footbridge in the Philippines. That river under this footbridge is the Tumbal River.


Sallapadan Rice Terraces: Sallapada, Abra

[SALLAPADAN] A verdant environment

Sallapadan Rice Terraces is the name I'll be using for the series of rice terraces you'll be seeing in town whenever you get there.


Cariño Musuem: Tayum, Abra

[TAYUM] Tracing the Gabriela Silang Trail

Cariño Museum is a historical landmark in Abra. This house is where the revolutionary fighter Gabriela Silang sought refuge to escape the Spanish colonizers who were trying to capture her during the World War. Gabriela reached this house by riding on a horse. Gabriela's descendant, who is still alive (although he is now in old age) is taking charge of this historical house. The latter is also a former ambassador of the Philippines.


Taloboy Resort: Sallapadan, Abra

[SALLAPADAN] Good for camping, as said by the locals

They call this place Taloboy Resort although there is no concrete establishment here where one can stay. This space is located near a river where one of the legendary footprints of a mythical giant Angalo is also visible during summer. One local told me this place is a favorite picnic area of the locals and visitors of the town as well as a camping site.


Brillantes Ancestral House: Tayum, Abra

[TAYUM] Witness an abode of a Spanish-era elite family

The town of Tayum has numerous ancestral houses with historical significance. One of them is the Brillantes Ancestral House showcasing the abode of elite families during the Spanish era.


Tayum Church: Tayum, Abra

[TAYUM] St Catherine of Alexandria Church

Tayum Church is around 15 minutes away from Abra's capital town of Bangued. It is a national cultural treasure. It's yet another religious structure that survived the opposition of the tribes. The tribes of Abra already had a system of belief before the introduction of Roman Catholicism.


Don Mariano Marcos Memorial Bridges

[DOLORES] Abra's longest bridge

The presence of the Abra River and of it's tributaries has intensified the need of the province of Abra for more bridges that will interconnect the towns and villages. The longest of the many long steel and foot bridges in Abra is the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial Bridge connecting the towns of Tayum and Dolores. It used to be one of the 10 longest bridges in the Philippines after it's construction. However, longer bridges have been constructed thereafter.


Libtec Underground River: Dolores, Abra

[DOLORES] Entrance to an underground paradise

If you wish to visit this underground river and have a selfie beneath the earth, be sure to have a waterproof camera. The minimum requirements you'll have to do are get wet, hug the rocks and be dirty. Be sure also to get an expert guide who's familiar enough in navigating the subterranean area. Get a GPS-enabled device and tell your family you're going here just in case you'll get stuck below. Also, charge your phone and hope to get a signal from down under for you to call for help just in case.


Tangadan Tunnel: San Quintin, Abra

[SAN QUINTIN] This is my first selfie with the Tangadan Tunnel taken some years ago


[SAN QUINTIN] Tangadan Tunnel - Abra: Decoding the Symbolism

TEASER: "I swear, there is no such thing as mystery because there is a reason for everything but for me, those horse-symbolisms are mysterious still being unable to investigate the real meaning of it."
is your dark entrance to Abra. But as the saying goes, "There's a light at the end of the dark tunnel." This is probably the most photographed landmark in Abra. This tunnel, after it's completion couple of decades ago, has relatively connected the province to the modern world (before this tunnel, people from the lowlands sail through the Abra River to reach this landlocked province bordered by mountains and great rivers).


Angalo Footprint: San Quintin, Abra

[SAN QUINTIN] The most popular of the several mythical giant Angalo footprints

The town of #SAN QUINTIN


FAST FACTS: The town of San Quintin is tagged as Abra's mystical town being the location of the most popular footprint of a mythical giant called Angalo.

PHOTO: Angalo Footprint in Sitio Cabaruyan
has been dubbed as Abra's mystical town for having a unique geologic formation (a depression on an area of the mountain) that shapes like a giant footprint. The people regard this as the footprint of the giant Angalo who used to roam the area according to the legends. There are many footprints left by that mythical giant in Northwestern Luzon area and the most popular of them is this one. To reach the footprint, cross this river with your own effects. Consider yourself lucky if you'll find a river fisherman or a RIVER FARMER who is willing to take you to the other side of the river.


Brgy Naguirayan: Pidigan, Abra

[PIDIGAN] Selfie Jumpshot using tripod + camera-on-timer

I don't know how they call this particular area but it is under the jurisdiction of Brgy Naguirayan in Pidigan town. I just landed here accidentally after chasing the Abra River (because I am following this river's trail hopefully up to where it originates). This place gave me WOW!-reactions after I saw a wide grazing space with cattle all around and gently rolling terrain - the kind of Marlboro Country. The view is infinite, no obstruction. So wide and clear and beautiful!


Santo Tomas Caves: Manabo, Abra

[MANABO] Entrance to one of the caves in Sto Tomas

Santo Tomas Caves is a group of several explored and virgin caves located in Brgy Santo Tomas in MANABO town, Abra. The most accessible of them is a few minutes hike away. However, due to it's accessibility, anyone can just go, even the irresponsible visitors. You'll see crystalline rock formations turning to black due to human-intervened combustion inside the cave. Vandalism is also plenty. If you want the less disappointing caves (those that are less explored, hope for a virgin one), it would require a 3-fold (or more) effort. Ask an expert guide about it who resides from Santo Tomas.


Banagan River: Malibcong, Abra

[MALIBCONG] A remote river destination in Abra

Banagan River is very remote to become a must-see destination. However, if you'll be given a chance to visit the remote Gacab Village in MALIBCONG town, don't miss to swim in one of this river's natural pools. This river also abounds with gigantic white-washed rocks. Bouldering is also a great activity here!


Tubong Falls: Licuan-Baay, Abra

[LICUAN-BAAY] Take Note: See this during rainy season

In Sitio Tubong, just along the Abra-Kalinga Road is a beautiful waterfall that unleashes it's full grandeur during rainy season. This waterfall has meager water during summer. They also call this 'Patubigan.'


Patoc Mining Tunnel: Licuan-Baay, Abra

[LICUAN-BAAY] A cart of stones-with-gold

If you want a destination that is uncommon in the travel industry, why not climb Mt Patoc and see the mining tunnels made by some small-scale gold-diggers from the town. Take note that you're not going to see a grand tourist attraction here. This place is only for those who are curious in exploring. The effort you need to exert in going to this mountain requires a high level. So if you're expecting to see grand temples and towering waterfalls here, you might get disappointed. All you have to see are the 'ways' of the people, how they dig out gold and process them. Interested for this kind of adventure? Be ready to get interrogated, seriously. These are private gold mines owned by private local residents. These individuals don't want outsiders to intrude to their livelihood (I hope you get what I mean; Gold trade is a multi-million industry attracting multi-national investors; Just leave these mountains to them... for their living).


Quiling Cave: Dolores, Abra

[DOLORES] Inside the Quiling Cave

The Quiling Crystal Cave is the most publicized cave in Abra. It's relative popularity has attracted visitors from nearby towns. The entrance opening of this cave is so small that it requires you to bend down or crawl if you're not flexible. Bats also abound inside.


Lipit Cascades: Danglas, Abra

[DANGLAS] The cascading waters drop to a cool natural pool

Lipit is an Ilocano term which means "a narrow passageway." The people of Brgy Nagaparan call this area as Lipit to describe a narrow part of the river where the water flows. The cascade is taken from a higher portion so it looks dwarfed. It actually looks graceful and taller up close.


Nagaparan Waterfalls: Dnaglas, Abra

[DANGLAS] One of the many waterfalls of Nagaparan

"Nagaparan Waterfalls" is the name I'll be using for that group of many unnamed waterfalls located in Brgy Nagaparan in Danglas town. Most of these waterfalls feed the Bandi River (see below).


Bandi River: Danglas, Abra

[DANGLAS] Fresh, cool, refreshing river

Bandi River is lined with numerous waterfalls that feed it. Because of the cleanliness of this river, we used it's waters to cook the food we ate that day. Also, we used the river's water to cook the soup we sipped. Yummy!


Guano Cave, Abualan: San Juan, Abra

[SAN JUAN] Column inside the cave

This cave also has a narrow opening but underneath the ground are numerous large chambers and a column. It is said by the elders of the town that this cave used to be the hiding place of the residents during the World War II. This is the most beautiful and cleanest cave I've seen in Abra by far. Taking care of this natural wonder is a community effort. How nice! To reach this cave, cross the Bolo River (See #2)


Sapilang Falls: Bangued, Abra

[BANGUED] A natural wonder inside the capital town

Located in Brgy Sagap highlands is the Sapilang Falls accessible only through hiking for 1-2 hours from the jump-off point. Sapilang Falls is multi-layered and has several natural pools in each layer. The grandest drop is located at the highest portion of the falls.


Roces Cave: Bucay, Abra

[BUCAY] Spelunking with the aid of an expert guide

Roces cave is 30-minute trek and hike away from the main road in Brgy Pakiling. It has several chambers, crystalline rock formations, white-washed cave ceilings and bats. There are also several openings in some parts of the cave allowing the light to enter creating a dramatic effect.


Old Pidigan Church: Pidigan, Abra

[PIDIGAN] The almost ruined Old Pidigan Church

The Old Pidigan Church has been a victim of fire and a witness of tragic incidents from the past but it was not able to survive the ageing process brought by time. Due to it's oldness (original materials have become debris that may fall aytime), the church has been abandoned. The church might collapse anytime, in part, or as a whole. A new church has been built right beside it.


Bangued Cathedral: Bangued, Abra

[BANGUED] Cathedral of St James

Standing majestically at the heart of downtown Bangued is the Cathedral of St James located across the town plaza. Beside the church is the old convento-turned-school.


La Paz Church: La Paz, Abra

[LA PAZ] The 100+ -year-old La Paz Church

The town of La Paz is known to be the weaving town of Abra. Aside from the weaving industry, La Paz also has a century-old church. Beside this church is a private Catholic school managed by the clergy.


Campo Santo: Bangued, Abra

[BANGUED] Campo Santo: Bangued's cemetery chapel

Named after the first Filipino saint is this cemetery chapel popularly known in Bangued as the Campo Santo. This church is linked to a certain "Rosa Balitoc" who accidentally dug a jar filled with gold thought to be buried by the Japanese during World War 2. The gold was surrendered to the priest and they decided to use the gold in building this cemetery chapel.


Tineg River: Tineg, Abra

[TINEG] Bluish-green water of Tineg River

Settlements near Tineg River is said to be the place where Abra's Itneg (Tinguian) tribes originated. The word i-Tineg (meaning 'from Tineg' or 'living in Tineg', taga-Tineg in Filipino) which was used to describe the people living therein is said to be the origin of the name of their tribe Itneg. So this river gave birth to the Itneg tribes now settling to as far as Kalinga province and in the mountainside villages in Ilocos.


Tumungpa River: San Juan, Abra

[SAN JUAN] This river is resource-rich

During summer, coordinate with the locals and see them catch fresh eels (that could even be longer than your body) from this river. Their catch is sold in San Juan town's poblacion and usually are sold-out just before they reach the market in the capital town Bangued. So buyers go directly to San Juan to purchase. Some resell them to their respective towns now with profit. Also during summer, huts pop-out beside this river to accommodate picnic-goers.


Nini Hot Spring: Sallapadan, Abra

[SALLAPADAN] A little spillage of a hot spring from the mountains

In Brgy Bazar of Sallapadan town is the Nini Hot Spring. The hot spring is just a little spillage of hot springs coming from the mountains going to the Ikmin River. You can take a warm bath (with caution) through a man-made water collector that spills out continuously a scorching water.


Salagpat Rice Terraces: Tineg, Abra

[TINEG] Harvest season

The Salagpat Rice Terraces is one of the most rarely photographed rice terraces in the Cordilleras for being located in a remote village not often visited by tourists, even backpackers. I would prefer to let it that way to at least keep the rice terraces the way and the purpose it was created. The essence of the existence of this set of rice terraces remains pure and authentic since they are designed to fit the people's real way of life, and not for the convenience designed for tourists.


Mapaso Hot Spring: Danglas, Abra

[DANGLAS] A spring on a volcanic bowl

Mapaso Hot Spring is one of the things you can see and experience in Nagaparan, Danglas. A hot (potentionally scorching) spring water comes out the stone where the man in the photo is standing. The hot spring directly flows to the cold Bandi River though since the natural catch basin of the hot spring has been altered now by human (according to the locals).


Bani Hot Spring: Boliney, Abra

[BOLINEY] The smoky rock is the source of the hot spring

Bani Hot Spring in Boliney town is more discernible compared with Mapaso Hot Spring above. That huge rock where the man is standing is the source of the hot spring that directly flows to the cool Ikmin River (see below). Dip with caution, I got minor skin burn by unwittingly dipping my right foot to the boiling spring. Bani Hot Spring is also a part of the town legend of Boliney.


Ikmin River: Boliney, Abra

[BOLINEY] The Ikmin River in Boliney

This portion of the Ikmin River is a rough one suitable for an extreme white water rafting. It is adjacent to the Bani Hot Spring. Uma (remember Pinoy Big Brother Season 1?) has been here for their late night travel show Trip na Trip in ABS-CBN (I'm not sure if this show is still on air).


Ikmin River: Sallapadan, Abra

[SALLAPADAN] The river turns brown during rainy days

The Ikmin River flowing through Sallapadan is more gentle that it's segment in Boliney. It's gentleness has attracted picnic goers to set-up a friend-zone at the banks. The water turns brown during rainy season (like the one on the photo). When it is not raining, the water is clear.


Abra River: San Quintin, Abra

[SAN QUINTIN] Abra River as seen in Brgy Palang

The Abra River in San Quintin has a sandy river shoreline (although some are made of pebbles). It is also a fishing ground. The water is calm during summer so it is an ideal place for boating and/or kayaking. Some Abra residents have experimented an Abra boating adventure from this area until they reached the river delta in #SANTA


FAST FACTS: This coastal town located at the Abra River delta is believed to be the birthplace of Gabriela Silang, a revolutionary Filipina fighter during the great World War..

PHOTO: A cove below the foothills of Northern Luzon Heroes Hill National Park


FAST FACTS: This province has two UNESCO World Heritage Sites - the Sta. Maria Church and the Heritage City of Vigan.

PHOTO: Pinsal Falls (taken during dry season): Said to be the largest in Ilocos Region.
. In some cases, the Abra River in San Quintin serves as a river highway to some Abra residents to cut short their trip to #VIGAN


FAST FACTS: Vigan is the only UNESCO World Heritage City in the Philippines.

PHOTO: A girl handles an image of San Pablo during the city's Longganisa Festival Street Dancing.


Lobot Eco-Park: San Juan, Ilocos Sur

[SAN JUAN] A watershed and a natural paradise in one in Brgy Baug

Lobot Eco-Park is a watershed in San Juan town and a source of water the townsmen use at home. The nature park has plenty of cascading spring waters flowing through thick foliage. It has 2 major waterfalls called Sinublan Falls and Sinminublan Falls (see below).


Sinublan Falls: San Juan, Ilocos Sur

[SAN JUAN] This guy is lucky for this selfie (he's actually my friend)

Sinublan is located in the lower parts of the Lobot Eco-Park. Sinublan Falls is a triplet waterfall divided into 3 separate parallel drops. Big tubes collect the water coming from the waterfalls.


Sinminublan Falls: San Juan, Abra

[SAN JUAN] It has amazing intricate rocks you wish it's yours

Sparkling, crystalline and intricate rocks will welcome you on your way to the Sinminublan Falls. This area is where you can literally experience a rainforest. The rocks spill out spring water to make you feel like it is really raining. Bring a waterproof camera because the trail in this part of the eco-park will shower you with spring water and excitement.


Panaclisan Falls: Licuan-Baay, Abra

[LICUAN-BAAY] Short drop, yet it has a deep natural pool


[LICUAN-BAAY] Panaclisan Falls: First Waterfall I've Seen in Abra

TEASER: "...every town has it's own way to amaze people if only we will learn to appreciate the simple things."
is around 30-minute trek and bouldering away from the jump-off point. It has a short drop but the gigantic rocks around make the setting dramatic. It's an ideal place for bouldering. You can also dive to the deep portion of it's natural catch basin (just have caution, be sure you know where is the deep portion).


Sinmimbaan: Dolores, Abra

[DOLORES] One of the cascades in Sinmimbaan

Sinmimbaan is the destination I would confidently recommend to all types of travelers and tourists whenever they go to Abra. The only problem here is the accessibility and the availability of guides. However, if the adventure is arranged beforehand, every effort will be of worth. This place is my personal favorite in Abra. Check out below for the continuation.


Sinmimbaan Eco-Adventure Trail

[DOLORES] Gorges are just lovely herein

I asked my guide what is the name of this place. He answered me "Sinmimbaan." Just that. It's a one-word name. So to give some travelers and adventure-seekers an idea what this place is all about, I'm adding something - Sinmimbaan Eco-Adventure Trail. I think the addition is just right since Sinmimbaan is actually all about bouldering, trekking, waterfalls-chasing and hiking while following a specific trail that will lead you to a great river.


Immitlog Hill: Dolores, Abra

[DOLORES] Egg-shaped mountain with crosses

This mountain is actually the first mountain I ever climbed in Abra. It shapes like egg from afar, hence the name Itlog which means 'egg.' The three crosses therein is the result of 3 dreams (that thing you experience during sleep) dreamt by three persons from 3 different occasions (Do you think it is co-incident?). When these 3 people met, they realized they have seen the same thing in their dreams prompting them that it is a sign to turn the dream into reality. The 3 crosses were built as these 3 men have seen in their dreams.


Borokibok Spring Resort: Bucay, Abra

[BUCAY] Entrance fee is 10 pesos

Borokibok Spring Resort harnessed the beauty and power of nature to develop a resort with a man-made swimming pool. The water that feeds the pool comes from the spring. The resort is managed by the Bucay LGU.


Panaclisan River: Licuan-Baay, Abra

[LICUAN-BAAY] Simple, peaceful, so laid back

Abra abounds with rivers. Panaclisan River is a peaceful place to relax or have picnic with friends. During rainy days, Panaclisan River looks more beautiful and mighty. Don't miss the chance to catch a palileng fish here, given the chance.


Wilawil Falls: Licuan-Baay, Abra

[LICUAN-BAAY] This can be seen along the road

Located along the unpaved (as of this post) Lagangilang-Baay Road is the WILAWIL FALLS

[LICUAN-BAAY] Wilawil Falls: Secluded Waterfalls in Baay, Abra

TEASER: "I love how the place gave me the feeling of having an intimate relationship with nature. This water wonder is simply undisturbed..."
. It has a short drop but you can never be short of words to say. The setting is just secluded and lovely.


[LAGANGILANG] A riverpark with floating cottages

Floating huts with videoke therein are present in Quirsodan riverpark in San Isidro, Lagangilang. Enjoy the setting. It could be remote but it will surely let you escape the stress of the city.

(61) ANITO

Anito, Agsimao: Tineg, Abra

[TINEG] Gigantic rocks by the river

A certain portion of the Tineg River is a place they call as 'Anito' composed of boulders and river cascades. This is located in Brgy Agsimao in Tineg, Abra.

To those people who are afraid to visit Abra, think twice. Abra is the the place with real best-kept secrets. Also, to those people claiming that there's nothing to see and do in Abra, *facepalm* - show them what they've missed. You've never explored Abra unless you've been to at least 50 of these destinations.

Which destination is your favorite herein? I appreciate a feedback. I'm not yet done with this series of Abra Travel Guide posts but in case you have questions, let me know.

Do you find this post helpful and cool? Like, share and tell your friends about the beauty of Abra./end

Abra #TownExploration Series

Map showing the Location of Abra

Click map to view latest articles covering Abra


[Bontoc] Mt. Province: Tourist Spots, Attractions, Things to Do

TEASER:"Bontoc is overshadowed by the adventures Sagada town could offer. The former is less publicized compared to latter."

[Licuan-Baay] Abra: Points of Interest and Town Exploration Guide (Baay Side)

TEASER:"Just in case you are planning to visit this remote town for adventure or research purposes, I want to share this travel guide including points of interest that might awaken the curiosity in you."

[Daraga] Albay: Tourist Spots, Attractions and Things to Do in Town

TEASER:"Maximize your time in Daraga, Albay. The bustling town is more than just the Cagsawa Ruins. I have made this simple travel guide to give all types of travelers an idea what to do in the town of Daraga."

[Tagudin] Ilocos Sur: Tourist Spots, Attractions and Things to Do in Town

TEASER:"So you want to explore the town of Tagudin and you don't have any idea what this town has to offer? Let me help you based on my experience."

[San Quintin] Abra: Tourist Spots, Attraction, Things to Do in Town

TEASER:"The town maybe new to you but I just want to introduce an itinerary the town explorer way."

[Manila] Tourist Spots: 26 Attractions and Historical Sites via Walking Tour

"Flow with the lifeblood of this city and experience the vibrant story and rich history."

Her crowded shopping malls, noisy streets, the high-rise buildings and upscale condominiums fronting the Manila Baywalk occupied by homeless urban beggars and those plethora of 7-11 Convenience Store branches occupying every corner of the busy streets overshadow the past glory of a city we both hate and love. But heyah! Let's check out this 20+ attractions and historical landmarks in Manila that could bring back the old Manila feel as well as some random destinations that will let you understand the heart beat of the Philippine capital.

(1) Manila City Hall

With the clock tower rising over a busy district occupied by street vendors, SM Manila fanatics (who oftentimes enter the mall to access a free Wi-Fi) and a regular crowd crisscrossing the streets (some persistently chasing after jeepneys), the City Hall of the Capital City of the Philippines stands very noticeably even though modern skyscrapers are trying hard to steal the attention of the skyline.

Manila City Hall

[MANILA]the City Hall stands out at night

When the night comes, other high-rise structures are just a group of pitiful backstage elements of a stunning superstar of the night that is the City Hall Clock Tower.

(2) Carriedo Fountain & Plaza Santa Cruz

Located at the center of Plaza Santa Cruz and a few steps away from the Manila Chinatown and the stunning Santa Cruz Church is the Carriedo Fountain. The water of the fountain might not have been changed for a long time as evidenced by the color of the water turning greenish (unless they really added chemical solutions to make it green) and the presence of algae (unless they use the fountain to culture extremely important marketable algae) but this fountain is yet another historical landmark that every Filipino, especially Manileños should memorize.

Carriedo Fountain, Manila

[MANILA] Carriedo Fountain

The Carriedo Fountain was named after Francisco Carriedo, a Spanish national, who gave way for Manila's first ever water system. In 1700's, he donated 10,000 pesos for the construction of the water system -- an amount now commonly appearing on bill statement of consumers from Maynilad, are you one of them?

(3) San Agustin Church

A favorite site for wedding (although a little few end up with annulment), San Agustin Parish is the first stone church in the Philippines. Founded in 1571, it was declared a World Heritage Site in 1993. It is one of the 4 Baroque churches in the Philippines listed by the UNESCO.

San Agustin Church, Intramuros, Manila

[MANILA] Philippine's first stone church

The church is located along General Luna Street, Intramuros, Manila. Don't also miss to check out the church museum nearby.

(4) Ongpin Street

Ongpin Street is centrally running through the heart of Manila's Chinatown of Binondo. Experience the Chinese vibe as you see red lanterns hovering over the street, shops selling Chinese herbs & medicines and Chinese restaurants serving long-life-meals. 

Ongpin St., Binondo, Manila

[MANILA] Red bike, red clothes, red umbrella, red lanterns, red street post

This street is named after a Chinese businessman Roman Ongpin who financially supported the katipuneros during a successful uprising against the Spaniards. Binondo is also distinct for it's bright vibe. Expect to see red bicycles, red shirts, red umbrellas, red store signs, red street lanterns and even red street posts.

(5) Santa Cruz Church

Marked with a façade and a belfry carved with imposing details, Santa Cruz Church is something that should not be missed during a heritage walking tour around Manila. 

[MANILA] Santa Cruz Church in Santa Cruz District

This church is fronting the Carriedo Fountain and the Manila Chinatown. Street vendors are not allowed inside the church premises (hope this condition is consistent) so you can enjoy the space all the time! The latest façade color (as of this post) is orange. Today, the church's architecture is a mixture of American, Hispanic and Asian Baroque ornamentation.

(6) Plaza Lacson

An equally historical landmark in Manila is the Plaza Lacson named after Manila's so-called greatest mayor. The plaza is surrounded by buildings with visually appealing architecture.

Plaza Lacson, Manila

[MANILA] Plaza Lacson

That beautiful building at the background is the Roman Santos building, named after the founder of Prudential Bank. However, this building is now occupied by the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI).

(7) Santa Isabel College

This school located along Taft Avenue in Ermita used to be a school exclusive for girls founded in 1594 as a Charitable Brotherhood then became a colegio in 1632 with the primary purpose of educating Spanish orphans, daughters of the Spanish soldiers in the service of the king. 

Santa Isabel College, Manila

[MANILA] This school is 400+ years old

So what makes this school interesting and unique? I don't know and I'm not really sure. But if you love visiting historical structures older than your favorite fastfood chain and cartoon character, then this school is a great place. Hey, this is 400+ years old, mind you.

(8) Philippine Normal University

Although not as old as the Santa Isabel College, the architecture of the school building is something worth seeing during a walk along Taft Avenue in Manila. This school is a great addition to your collection of schools older than 100 years.

Philippine Normal University, Manila

[MANILA] Old charming façade with an American-era feel

The Philippine Normal University was founded by the Americans, hence the American architecture. This school specializes in teacher education and has expanded as far as Isabela, Agusan del Sur  and Negros Occidental. Have you ever wondered why it was called "normal?"

(9) Basilica Minore de San Sebastian

Made dramatic with it's two towering spires, it requires a semi-major hyperextension of your cervical vertebrae for you to be able to decipher how tall it is. The design of this church is somehow similar to the OUR LADY OF ATONEMENT CATHEDRAL located atop a hill in #BAGUIO


FAST FACTS: Due to it's high altitude and cool weather, Baguio is the Summer Capital of the Philippines. The city is also the home of the Ibaloi Igorots.

PHOTO: Wearing traditional Igorot clothes at the Mines View Park in Baguio.
City. However, what makes this church more interesting than the latter will astound you - it is the only steel church in Asia.

San Sebastian Church, Manila

[MANILA] Asia's only steel church

It is located along the Pasaje del Carmen Street in Manila. It's architectural style is a Gothic revival and never became a Gangnam style. You can attempt to photograph the interior. You'll be lucky if there's no event happening inside. Keep calm and hope.

(10) National Shrine of St Jude Thaddeus

Church-haters might hate me for this next destination but I believe there are more church-chasers and architecture-freaks out there who really see churches not just a religious structure but also a cultural, architectural and historical landmark. In San Miguel District is the National Shrine of Saint Jude Thaddeus.

Saint Jude Thaddeus National Shrine, Manila

[MANILA] The national shrine as the sunset unfolds

Relatively a modern church, it traces it's roots in 1954, the year when the first parish priest was appointed to take charge of this church when it was still called as the Espiritu Santo Chinese Church. When you want to get rid of crowded, noisy and relatively unsafe place to meditate, then this place should be for you. (Disclaimer: I am not a Roman Catholic. I feature the cultural and historical side of churches like this and not their religious implications).

(11) Intramuros

Intramuros is Manila's tangible history. Narrow cobblestone streets lined with well-preserved houses, mansions and buildings built during the Spanish era is a history overload you may not contain.

Intramuros, Manila

[MANILA] A Cobblestone street lined with charming old houses

Intramuros is a walled city suitable for a walking tour. Don't worry, there's no traffic jam. Just be prepared to pay an expensive padyak (tri-cycle) ride if you're tired walking which I don't think will happen unless you came here touring during an asthma attack with exacerbation, extreme arthritis, extreme hunger and thirst with prostration or with a serious health condition. Intramuros is pedestrian-friendly. It is a place where you can escape the common Manila street set-up that might stress you.

(12) Manila Metropolitan Cathedral-Basilica

The Manila Cathedral being located in Intramuros does not mean it does not deserve a separate mention. The church is Manila's oldest and Mother of all Churches. The natural materials used  in constructing this church were provided by the Mother Nature though.

Manila Cathedral

[MANILA] The Manila Cathedral

The Manila Cathedral traces it's roots in 1581 when it was still made up of nipa and bamboo (materials from Mother Nature) that lasted only for two years because it was consumed by fire. The present structure is already the 6th make over.

(13) Santo Niño de Tondo Parish

Earning a notorious image as told by old Filipino action films, Tondo has been known to be a land of gangsters, drug lords and hired killers (that's according to movies). But Tondo is a totally different picture of what the movies are portraying.

Tondo Church, Manila

[MANILA] Tondo Church

Seeing an old church in Tondo for a probinsiyano who grew up watching old FPJ and Eddie Garcia (and other action stars) films is a totally different expectation. Who would think that gangsters and drug lords also go to church? (Blame the movies, this is the Tondo image they wanted me to believe. ☻)

(14) Binondo Church

This church became a social media sensation among travelers, heritage advocates and some travel bloggers when it's façade has undergone a makeover. Now some parts of the façade is already painted with orange.

Binondo Church

[MANILA]Minor Basilica of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz

Binondo Church was founded by the Dominicans to serve the Chinese Christian converts in Binondo District. The architecture is great and beautiful but it's not as imposing as the other old and great churches in the Philippines. At night, the lack of enough lighting makes Binondo Church a pitiful display in front of a plaza teaming with wonderful and eye-catchy fountains lighted with different colors. The interior is however appealing. The paintings at the ceiling is I think what make this church an exceptional jaw-dropper - don't dare skip checking the interior to check the ceiling and you'll know what I mean (just be sure you do not have cervical fracture or severe muscular spasms).

(15) Higino Francisco Residence

An old house (but looks like it is substantially renovated) that doesn't really look stunning standing in Binondo is actually where the original manuscripts of the Noli Me Tangere written by Rizal ware kept.

Higino Francisco House

[MANILA] In front of the houseis maybe a sleepy place

A marker of the National Historical Commission is posted thereon. I did not attempt to enter the house because it appeared so unwelcoming that time.

(16) Chinatown: Binondo

I might have included some specific destinations in Binondo above but let's treat Binondo as a destination in a different general perspective. Basically it is a community to Filipino-Chinese in Manila. This district used to be Metro Manila's center for business and trade before Makati grabbed the title.
Manila Chinatown

[MANILA] Trying hard to turn my round eye almond-shaped

Just entering the Binondo District will already give you a dose of Chinese stuff starting from the welcome arch to the red street lanterns hanging over the streets of Binondo. Don't forget to eat delicious oriental dish with Filipino mix only the Chinese restaurants of Binondo can provide. By the way, don't confuse yourself with a Korean restaurant and a Chinese restaurant, just in case.

(17) Isla de Convalenscia

This is something unusual on the face of Manila. An island in Manila? Yes, you read it right. There is an island in Manila! If you think this island can rival Boracay, Yes! Isla de Convalenscia can actually rival Boracay not in terms of the quality of the sand but in history. By the way, this island has no beach line.

Hospicio de San Jose

[MANILA] Historical marker of Hospicio de San Jose

This island located at the middle of the Pasig river is where the Hospicio de San Jose was founded during the Spanish era. It is a home for orphans and the [neglected] elderly. Hats off to the nurses here who work for them. One of them is a good friend of mine. This is the oldest charitable institution in the Philippines.

(18) The Manila Skyline

Manila skyline has been recognized to be one of the best skylines in the world. Well, it is. You can actually view her skyline rising at the bank of the Pasig River or by the Manila Bay lining the Roxas Boulevard.

Manila Skyline

[MANILA] The skyline by the river

For Manila-born dwellers, the Manila skyline might be a common scene. But for kids born and raised in the countryside farms and mountains, the skyline of Manila is one thing that excites them. The skyline is a major tourist attraction for them (us). You won't understand this unless you're born to be a traveler but raised in the countryside.

(19) Quiapo Church

Quiapo Church is probably the most popular church in the Philippines due to the media hype covering the Feast of the Black Nazarene which is visited by millions of people from all over the Philippines.

Quiapo Church, Manila

[MANILA] Crowd frenzy

For a Manila first-timer, Quiapo is a culture shock. See fortune tellers (who predict your fate by reading the lines on your palms), old folks with long hair dressed in white (like the get-up of Jesus Christ this modern world has known), old women sprinkling Holy Water in the middle of the public square and a constant day crowd of church visitors handling rosaries and rosary booklets while chain smokers and rugby boys are standing beside. 

(20) Divisoria

Divisoria is said to be the shopping mecca of the Philippines. This part of Manila is crowded with buyers looking for the cheapest products. Divisoria is not exempted from the Filipino mall culture. Shopping malls have popped-out in the area with a twist -- to also sell cheap goods.


[MANILA] A street for cheap goods

This shopping district is located at the boundary of Tondo, Binondo and San Nicolas. Divisoria is under San Nicolas. Shop here and be a wise buyer. Don't wear high heels while squeezing in the crowd but you can actually buy cheap high heels here if you wish.

(21) San Miguel Church

This frenzy-free church will let you focus on your meditation without worrying of pickpockets or hold-uppers. I would say it is relatively safer here since it is located near the Malacañang Palace (a heavily guarded building of 'some' corrupt officials). If you happen to visit this church, please don't forget to pray for our leaders residing in Malacañang so that they will be enlightened!

San Miguel Church, Manila

[MANILA] San Miguel Church by Night

The church is also the National Shrine of Saint Michael and the Archangels. The original San Miguel Church was constructed in 1630s as an act of gratitude by a Spanish governor-general who had miraculously escaped death.

(22) Santo Cristo de Longos

The practice of veneration to Santo Cristo de Longos in Binondo especially to the Filipino-Chinese community can be seen through the replica of the image located in the alley side off the Ongpin Street. The original image is now housed in the Binondo Church. What's interesting here is the fusion of Roman Catholicism and traditional Chinese religious beliefs.

Sto Cristo de Longos in Binondo

[MANILA] In Binondo, two religious beliefs fused as one

See Chinese devotees holding incense sticks while facing the replica of Sto Cristo de Longos. This is what we call a fusion of faiths - Roman Catholicism and Chinese religious practices! That said, religion can be man-made, a culture, or just a mind-set. Anyways, this Binondo encounter is beyond fascinating!☻

(23) Plaza Calderon de la Barca

This plaza is an island at the middle of Juan Luna Street located in front of the Binondo Church. It is also known as Plaza San Lorenzo Ruiz, named after the first Filipino saint. At night, colorfully lighted fountains add charm to the plaza as the darkness unfolds.


[MANILA] Plaza San Lorenzo Ruiz by Night

A hotel fronting this plaza between Oriente and Veronica Streets is said to be a hotel patronized by our National Hero, José Rizal. If not for the fountains, this plaza will just appear to be a dark, lonesome space.

(24) Manila Post Office Building

A grand heritage landmark stealing the attention of passersby, it rises over the banks of the Pasig River and will let you forget that the latter river is polluted. It's grandeur owns that stretch of the river as far as the eye can see.

Post Office Building Manila

[MANILA] An imposing structure rising over the riverbank

According to sources, this is no longer in use and a foreign investor will convert it to a hotel (rumor) to restore the structure. Remember that this building once played a role on how we sent our love letters and greeting cards to our loved ones back then. I bet, there are also couples who got married by just exchanging letters through this once operational post office that has rapidly killed and replaced by technology.

(25) Ayala Bridge

This is a historic bridge connecting the districts of Ermita and San Miguel in Manila via the historic eyot of Convalenscia. This bridge was first built by Don Jacobo Zobel de Ayala in 1872. There are also rumors that it is designed by Gustav Eiffel though still unproven. 

Ayala Bridge, Manila

[MANILA] An empty bridge in the heart of the Metro

Just be careful when crossing this bridge by night since it is said to be a favorite place of some people waiting to snatch your cellphone or your wallet.

(26) Escolta

This historic street is lined with striking old buildings and structures with old-world feel. Some of the remaining buildings have been decaying through time.

Escolta Street, Manila

[MANILA] An old decaying building

Parallel with this street is the Pasig River while some parts of the street shoulders are occupied by some urban beggars. This street is not the typical busy Manila street you're thinking. It's definitely a pedestrian-friendly zone that allows you to marvel with the numerous historic buildings with grandiose architecture. This is Manila's pre-war business and luxury district.

These are the places and things I discovered in Manila. There are more places and historical sites I've missed -- more reasons to go back and explore the great city. I will update this post whenever I have the chance to visit the other places. Connect with me on facebook or twitter to see real-time updates. end.


Tolentino, Niki Jon. "The Carriedo Fountain and Manila’s First Water Pipeline System."Noble and Ever Loyal City. 21 May 2014 <http://theurbanhistorian.tumblr.com/post/3143099957/the-carriedo-fountain-and-manilas-first-water>

No Author Identified. "History of San Agustin."San Agustin Church. San Agustin Parish Priest/s. 21 May 2014 <http://sanagustinchurch.org/>

No Author Identified. "Ongpin Street cramped, noisy but an experience."Philippines Travel Guide. 21 May 2014 <http://www.philippines-travel-guide.com/ongpin-street.html>

BeRFi303030 and Cess19. "Santa Cruz Church."tripadvisor Philippines. tripadvisor. 21 May 2014 <http://www.tripadvisor.com.ph/Attraction_Review-g298573-d592712-Reviews-Santa_Cruz_Church-Manila_Metro_Manila_Luzon.html>

Tolentino, Niki Jon. "Santa Cruz Church, Manila." Noble and Ever Loyal City. 21 May 2014 <http://theurbanhistorian.tumblr.com/post/25194885235/santa-cruz-church-manila-the-first-church-was>

Tolentino, Niki Jon. "Untitled." Noble and Ever Loyal City. 21 May 2014 <http://theurbanhistorian.tumblr.com/post/2622100861/before-the-plaza-lacson-near-the-santa-cruz-church>

No Author Identified. "School History."Santa Isabel College. Santa Isabel College. 21 May 2014 <http://santaisabel.dcphilippines.org/history.php>

No Author Identified. "History and Milestones." Philippine Normal University. PNU Administrators. 21 May 2014 <http://www.pnu.edu.ph/page/brief_history.php>

No Author Identified. "Philippine Normal University: a Brief History." Hemlock. 21 May 2014 <http://bsehistory.blogspot.com/2012/04/philippine-normal-university-brief.html>

No Author Identified. "History of SAINT JUDE Parish." National Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus. Saint Jude Parish. 22 May 2014 <http://www.stjudemanila.com/index.php/about-us>

No Author Identified. "Manila Cathedral." Philippines Travel Wiki. 22 May 2014 <http://www.philippinestravelwiki.com/manila/manila-cathedral>

Resurreccion, Rene. "Manila Cathedral."Resurreccion Family Site: Aming Angkan. Ressurreccion Clan of Manila. 23 May 2014 <http://resurreccionfamily.tripod.com/id18.html

Gamboa, Coylee. "About Us."Hospicio de San Jose. Hospicio de San Jose. 23 May 2014 <www.hospiciodesanjose.org/about-us>

No Author Identified. "Untitled."Hospicio de San Jose. Philippine Orphanage Fund. 23 May 2014 <http://orphanage_fund.tripod.com/facts.htm

No Author Identified. "San Miguel Church, Manila."Yahoo! Travel. Yahoo!. 23 May 2014 <https://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-2767480-san_miguel_church_manila-i#

Aguilar, Karl. "A Fusion of Faiths in Manila."The Urban Roamer. 23 May 2014 <http://www.theurbanroamer.com/a-fusion-of-faiths-in-manila/

Martinez, Glen. "Sto Cristo de Longos of Binondo."Traveler on Foot. 23 May 2014 <http://traveleronfoot.wordpress.com/2011/02/12/sto-cristo-de-longos-of-binondo/>

Señor Enrique. "Plaza Calderon de la Barca in Binondo."wish you were here. 24 May 2014. <http://senorenrique.blogspot.com/2008/01/plaza-calderon-de-la-barca-in-binondo.html>

Tolentino, Niki Jon. "Ayala Bridge."Noble and Ever Loyal City. 25 May 2014 <http://theurbanhistorian.tumblr.com/post/4256511927/ayala-bridge-the-bridge-that-connects-ermita-and>

Manila #TownExploration Series

Map showing the Location of #Manila

Click map to view latest articles covering Metro Manila


[ABRA] Tourist Spots, Attractions and Must-See Destinations

TEASER: "To those people who are afraid to visit Abra, think twice. Abra is the place with real best-kept secrets."

[BONTOC] Mt. Province: Tourist Spots, Attractions, Things to Do

TEASER:"Bontoc is overshadowed by the adventures Sagada town could offer. The former is less publicized compared to latter."

[LICUAN-BAAY] Abra: Points of Interest and Town Exploration Guide (Baay Side)

TEASER:"Just in case you are planning to visit this remote town for adventure or research purposes, I want to share this travel guide including points of interest that might awaken the curiosity in you."

[DARAGA] Albay: Tourist Spots, Attractions and Things to Do in Town

TEASER:"Maximize your time in Daraga, Albay. The bustling town is more than just the Cagsawa Ruins. I have made this simple travel guide to give all types of travelers an idea what to do in the town of Daraga."

[TAGUDIN] Ilocos Sur: Tourist Spots, Attractions and Things to Do in Town

TEASER:"So you want to explore the town of Tagudin and you don't have any idea what this town has to offer? Let me help you based on my experience."

[SAN QUINTIN] Abra: Tourist Spots, Attraction, Things to Do in Town

TEASER:"The town maybe new to you but I just want to introduce an itinerary the town explorer way."

[Dagupan] 8-Ride Diary of How I Went Home After Eating Street Food

"Travel bloggers usually write articles describing how they enjoyed the place, the food, the people and the experience but not so many write about the not-so-comfy behind-the-scenes part of the journey, like this."

This is a documentation of what happened last 01 July 2014, Tuesday. This is more of a personal diary than a how-to-and-where-to travel post. I've come to that point where I just want to break free and exhaust myself without any clear benefit yet I still don't consider it a waste of money, time and effort. Before this trip, I slept past midnight due to the insomnia-inducing charisma of the social media and the internet in general and woke up by 6 am. So the total time I spent for sleeping is actually short of 5 hours. I am doing this against my will because I have to be an early bird to catch an early bus bound southward; that'll be a broken trip to Dagupan.

[DAGUPAN] So this is my destination today

After some failed real-life adventures focused on career development and self-fulfillment, I've finally moved on. Never have I written a new article on this blog for the past 5 weeks (and I only had a few for the past months) because of some life puzzles that I failed to solve. But the bright side of those circumstances is I became super strong and more realistic.

The First Ride: Easy Level

Those are the thoughts clinging inside my head as I am inside a Cubao-bound Viron Bus slouched on the left couch just behind the driver's seat. Two other passengers are seated on the right wing. My drooping posture seemed like indecent for the standards of the two guys right beside me so I transferred to the back seat, couched and took advantage of the travel time to sleep.

There are waking episodes along the way and for that first time I woke up, the once empty bus became frenzied with passengers and someone is already seating beside me. The last time I was awake, there are only 3 passengers including me. After that short opening of my eyes, they immediately turned back to hibernation. Fast forward, I've finally reached the Damortis junction in LA UNION


FAST FACTS: This Ilocos province has coastline that garnered the title "Surfing Mecca of the North". But La Union is more then the surfing. It also has cultural sites and eco-tourism destinations.

PHOTO: Ma Cho Temple in San Fernando City, La Union..
and this is where I'm gonna drop off. 

The Second Ride: Hunger Games

It was already 11:30 in the morning and the sun's heat is on it's peak. I trespassed into a store improperly occupying the shoulders of the road manned by a bald adult man in a lousy blue shirt to keep away from the scorching heat of the sun rays. The man had no reaction maybe because I am not the only commuter trespassing within his property to get a shade and he is now used to it.

I didn't take any breakfast. Great thing I was able to bring a Fudgee Bar with me given yesterday by the mother of my patient who goes to the hospital every 28 days to get a painful intramuscular injection of a 10-ml dilution of benzathine penicillin G using a wide-bore needle at Gauge19. At least I have something to eat.

Actually, the reason why I am going to Dagupan is unclear. All I know is I am going to meet a fellow travel blogger Micaela of Senyorita.net since I have told her beforehand that I'm going to Dagupan anytime soon. The time has just come. At first, this should be a business trip but the task was given to another person. I had the reason to rejoice for not doing that job and spend the day at home sleeping. Yet, I don't know why I still want to go on my own expense without any clear thing to do there. In fact, I can cancel the meet-up with Mica anytime if I want to. But there's no turning back, I'm now entering PANGASINAN


FAST FACTS: Pangasinan is home to the Lingayen Gulf, a World War II battle field and the Hundred Islands of Alaminos.

PHOTO: St John the Evangelist Cathedral in Dagupan City

My friend Mica texted me where I am now and I told her I'm an hour away (I was still in #BAUANG


FAST FACTS: Bauang is a first class partially urbanized municipality in the Philippine province of La Union. According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 70,735 people, making Bauang as the most populated municipality in La Union. - Wikipedia

PHOTO: Sts Peter and Paul Parish Church
that time). That 1 hour turned out to be almost 2 hours. An excruciatingly long wait for both of us who are already very hungry. Of course, we're meeting for a lunch.

When I saw the Dagupan welcome arch, it at least relieved me from the pressure that I'm reaching Dagupan for nothing. Mica will be leaving by 2pm for a meeting so I have to be on time. But the bus is sloth as a result of a high noon traffic jam that adds agony to my hungry stomach. Gladly, I reached Dagupan few minutes after 1 pm.

The Third Ride: Tricycle Diaries

I immediately took a tricycle then instructed the driver to bring me to Lyceum Northwestern University's School Canteen because my friend is already waiting there hungrily. 

I got lost. I didn't know where is the canteen in spite of the fact that the trike driver brought me inside the campus. I asked a student dressed in full-white (maybe under an allied health course) then she pointed out the canteen using her pointing finger and her lips duck-faced to the direction of the canteen.

The canteen was a typical school canteen with several sets of dining tables. I was looking for my friend Mica and I spotted her with cervical spine flexed as she was busy looking on her mobile phone. "Hey madam!" I told her with an excited voice but she didn't hear me. For the second attempt to get her attention, I sat down on the chair next to her and again I said, "Hey ma'am!" Then she finally noticed me.

Then we ate for a lunch. Meals reserved and served were litson paksiw and bamboo shoot dinengdeng type. We rushed the lunch a li'l bit to beat Mica's appointment time. After the lunch, she toured me around her Alma Mater then went on our own ways.

After the meet-up I have no idea what to do now in Dagupan. I sat for a while in front of the PhilHealth Regional Office near the school looking for people passing by the street. I was sitting at the edge of an elevated sidewalk garden feeling how hot in Dagupan is. It was excruciatingly hot. The agony worsened as I drool looking at the PhilHealth building with some employees wearing coats to give them warmth since inside this building is winter. How I wanted to enter the building but I have no business to do there for today, although I have entered this building for previous official transactions between that office and the institution I represent.

The Fourth Ride: The Jeepney Ride

Thinking what to do, I decided to go to the city downtown and rode in a jeepney. Still, I don't know where this jeepney is going. I sat down beside the jeepney driver thinking where to go. I just went with the flow. I saw the main streets of Dagupan teaming with commercial establishments. Suddenly, the jeepney is slowing down and most of the passengers are alighting. I looked at my right, it was Nepo Mall. Since I just wanted to follow where these locals are going, I also alighted from the jeepney and entered the mall. At least, it is cooler inside.

As I enter the mall, I saw a woman drinking a buko shake, I craved for that so I searched for that stall but I didn't buy. I opted to kill time so I took the escalator and did shop-hopping. I saw a CD-R King Branch ridiculously filled with a lot of goods from computer chips, mobile phone casings, pot holders, stuffed toys and many more not related to computers and of the digital market. This branch has evolved to be like a department store.  Near the CD-R King is a store for ukay-ukay. I checked out the jeans section but I didn't find something worth to buy at P250.00.

On the other side, I saw a store crowded by college students. It was a book store! This store sells back-issues of magazines (cheaper of course) and some books by Anne Rice, Dan Brown, JK Rowling and John Grisham! There are also handful of Almanacs, dictionaries and Guinness Book of World Records back issues. This is fiesta! All books are on sale! I took this opportunity to buy. At least, I discovered a shopping mecca in Dagupan. This book store is a shopping mecca for book lovers, especially for the novels. This is one of the greatest things that happened to me this day. After purchasing a book, I went to the buko shake store to finally satisfy my craving - medium size at P45.00. P.S. I was a bit lonely when I saw that the cinema in this mall has closed. I should have watched "The Transformers: Age of Extinction."

The Fifth Ride: to Downtown

I went out the mall sucking the buko shake using a straw. I slowly consumed that chilled buko refreshment while deciding where to go next. Since I can not decide where to go, I again rode in a jeep and come what may where this one will lead me.

Since most of the passengers are already alighting at the middle of the road in a traffic jam, I also followed them. I alighted near the Malimgas Market for a high noon walk. I saw the wet market and some rice vendors across. I noticed a funny store name printed on a tarpaulin: Las Bigasan, Nevada.

I am not sure what I am doing. In fact I can just relax home, sip a coffee or just write my first blog entry after 5 weeks of hiatus but I am here, in a hot high noon, walking around the city for an unknown reason (maybe to just kill the time, and hopefully to find something interesting) and probably wasting time and effort.

I reached the Jovellanos and Zamora Streets, my favorite streets in Dagupan since here is where the street foods are situated. Street dining is also present here, the city plaza, some seafood vendors and the old SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHEDRAL

[DAGUPAN] Cathedral of St John the Evangelist: Overgrown Time Trail

TEASER: "Now I've found the gap. That tube leading me to sanity on travel is now patent."
. I immediately went near the grill and ordered these cheap street foods ranging from 3 pesos to 15 pesos each.

Jovellanos and Zamora Streets in Dagupan

[DAGUPAN] Jovellanos corner Zamora Streets

St John the Evangelist Cathedral, Dagupan

[DAGUPAN] Saint John the Evangelist Cathedral along Zamora Street

Trying most of the food displayed killed much of my time. I was enjoying like I did before. I don't know why eating these street foods suddenly became a worthy activity making my Dagupan trip a waste of money, time and effort no more! This is the reason why this is my favorite street in Dagupan. It has no traffic jam, peaceful, relatively cooler and some parts are closed to vehicles.

Dagupan Street Food

[DAGUPAN] Fried Pork Liver at 3 pesos per chunk

Dagupan Street Food

[DAGUPAN] Tokneneng (stuffed eggs)

Dagupan Street Food

[DAGUPAN] Chicken intestines (and they call it Chicken Nuggets)

Dagupan Street Food

[DAGUPAN] Official 'sawsawan' - spiced vinegar with cucumber

Dagupan Street Food

[DAGUPAN] Tokneneng version 2.0

So I went to Dagupan just to eat a street food I can buy anywhere? Well, good question. I don't want to believe but a qualified answer for this is a YES. So after eating street foods what now? Nothing. I sat down on a sidewalk alley thinking where to go next until I just decided to go to Mangaldan and #SAN FABIAN


FAST FACTS: San Fabian is a coastal town in Pangasinan and the first thing that comes my mind whenever I hear the town's name is their local product oyster.

PHOTO: Pails of oysters along the San Fabian Highway
. So I asked a woman standing at my left side where to get a ride to Mangaldan. So she advised me to take a jeep and drop-off at Nazareth hospital.

The Sixth Ride: to Nowhere

I again took a jeepney and requested the driver to bring me to the place advised by that woman. I was waiting while inside the running jeep. But all the passengers are gone. I am now the only passenger left. I asked the driver where is Nazareth. "Uhhh! Nakalimutan ko sir!" he exclaimed.

[DAGUPAN] I was confident to take a semi-selfie since I'm the only passenger

So I'm lost. I am now in Tondaligan and I am seeing the blue beach where Douglas McArthur docked during the World War II. Uh. What a day. So I waited for another round until this jeep went back downtown. I told the driver to just bring me to a place where I can get a ride to La Union since I am dropping my Mangaldan plans due to the heavy downpour of rain. The driver dropped me to a place along the road and instructed me to walk straight ahead.

The Seventh Ride: Post Street Food

Yes! I can finally go home and sleep. You know I was so tired, I'm lack of sleep and thirsty. I badly wanted a rest! I searched for a terminal. I saw a van terminal but these vans are bound to Bolinao, Lingayen and other destinations west of Dagupan. I was disappointed. I continued my searching until I saw another terminal, this time buses are bound to La Union. Yey!

But the outgoing bus is not going to La Union. It terminates only to San Fabian. I'm now tired. I waited for the next bus and joined the rush of passengers craving for the best seat in spite of getting wet from the rain.

Just before the bus' departure, I was drowsy. Inside this ordinary bus is so crowded, hot and noisy. It was totally enclosed because of the rain. I have no access for a fresh air. It was so suffocating that it was almost hard to breath. The center alley of the bus is filled with passengers in standing position. Inside was a mess and a definition of discomfort.

In spite of the situation inside the bus, my body craved for sleep. Thanks to the closed bus window. Now rain water won't enter the bus and I at least have something for my head to lean on to. In a flash, I fell asleep but occasionally woke up whenever my head falls down and the cycle goes on. I lean on the window, my head falls down, I wake up then see people around looking at me. Again, I lean on the window, my head falls down, I wake up then see people around looking at me. That is my sleeping pattern inside this bus that I can not even imagine how I managed to sleep. That cycle went on and on until I reached my destination, #SAN FERNANDO


FAST FACTS: San Fernando City in the regional center for Ilocos Region.

PHOTO: Ma Cho Temple
, La Union. But this is not yet home. 4-5 more hours and it's now 8 PM.

As I alight off the bus in front of the waiting shed in the city plaza, I saw a big crowd of passengers waiting for a bus, mostly students. Whoahhh! This is a night to kill!

The Eight Ride: [insert subtitle here]

I waited for a bus for 1 hour. That next bus is also crowded. But I didn't mind about it. All I wanted was to go home. Standing position is the only remedy while I carry my shoulder sling bag. I need to do this. Inside this bus is another discomforter. I am squeezing with passengers shoulder to shoulder, butt to butt, back to back. Worse, these people are worn out like me. They emit different kinds of smell, different versions of repulsive odor.

Since I can not sleep while standing, some thoughts are running in my head. I realized I should have relaxed at home. But I am here, holding my breath to get rid of different kinds of odor. I am not complaining since this is really how I travel, not most of the time, but very very often. I'm used with this kind of situation but it is actually my first time I think to write an article about the behind-the-scenes of my adventures. Travel bloggers usually write articles describing how they enjoyed the place, the food, the people and the experience but not so many write about the not-so-comfy behind-the scenes part of the journey, like this.

I was lucky that after around an hour, one seat beside me was vacated. At first I offered the seat to a girl in white collar shirt but she opted to give the seat to me. I said "Naks, thank you!" After that, all I know was I was able to get a good sleep.

I reached home almost 1 am. I asked myself what I really wanted to do. I actually have a work tomorrow. I skipped doing my reports for this day's trip. In fact, I postponed doing my reports for tomorrow's meeting with the chairman and the board directors. I opened my computer. Poured down a hot water to my cup of coffee, opened my facebook, relaxed and said to myself, "What a day! The street food was great but I miss this coffee more than anything else."▬ end

Dagupan #TownExploration Series

Map showing the Location of #Dagupan

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[TINGLAYAN] There was No Sunrise in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER: "So the sun didn't shine that morning. However, I was able to understand the other side of the story."

[TINGLAYAN] The Day I Hiked Solo to Buscalan, Kalinga - Part 2/2

TEASER:"So I thought the hike is over, but as I took a turn on that road, I saw the other side of the mountain and it doesn't look like I am getting any closer. It goes farther, and farther..."

[TINGLAYAN] The Day I Hiked Solo to Buscalan, Kalinga - Part 1/2

TEASER:"I am soliloquizing under the scorching strike of the sun that is adding more agony to my weary self. I hope I am not yet lost. But if ever I'm lost, at least I'm lost in a paradise."

[CORDILLERA] Bontoc-Tabuk Road: Mt. Province-Kalinga Border Crossing

TEASER:"My blunt brain due to being deprived of sleep was instantly reset to sight-seeing mode after it hibernated for a while when I started seeing this wonderful view that temporarily locked my jaw."

[LICUAN-BAAY] Challengingly Sweet Journey to Licuan-Baay, Abra

TEASER:"No complaints. I am loving it not that I want to do it so that I have something to write but because it activates my brain cells to think, analyze and think again."

[LICUAN-BAAY] An Introduction to the Town-of-Gold

TEASER:"The scope of Licuan-Baay is extensive and expansive. You need to get a guide beforehand who is familiar enough of the town. Reaching the barangays and communities of the Tingguian (Itneg) people is tricky"

[ILOCOS] My First Habal-Habal Ride... in Search for the House of the gods

TEASER:"The ride was full of adventure. I spotted a lot of waterfalls, hanging bridges, and the endless charm of the towering mountains with the Amburayan River flowing in between them."

[SABLAN] Benguet | Surviving the Threats of Thick Fog

TEASER:"A look at the driver's area and seeing the road ahead, I can not see the road and everything has just turned to white! This gave me fear."

[Dagupan] Cathedral of St John the Evangelist: Overgrown Time Trail

"Now I've found the gap. That tube leading me to sanity on travel is now patent."

I see Dagupan as a modern commercial space. Although every city or town in the Philippines shares a piece of history, Dagupan City's past seems to hide behind jeep-frenzied streets, numerous commercial banks, shopping centers, business establishments and modern malls.
[DAGUPAN] Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist

[DAGUPAN] Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist

Honestly I am running out of words to tell right now. I don't know how to describe this cathedral that is so silent, closed and aloof ▬ maybe because I am just preoccupied with the mindset that Dagupan is a contemporary landmass where mall culture is a fore and commercialism is a forerunner for economic development. If not for that leisurely walk around the city plaza, I would have not seen this great piece of the past.

An Overgrown Trail Back to the Past

For a citizen of Ilocos, a region teaming with old churches, I am used of seeing Spanish-era cathedrals to be situated in a spot where they are easily noticed. But in Dagupan, the Star Plaza Hotel and the Starbucks store along the main street are even more noticeable being located in a prime spot, hence, iconic landmarks; but not the Old Dagupan Cathedral.
[DAGUPAN] Star Plaza Hotel]

[DAGUPAN] Star Plaza Hotel in a prime location

When I was exploring Dagupan, even couple of years ago, I have always felt this emptiness inside whenever I step on this city. I usually go to Zamora street and eat street food then somehow the hollow part of my soul is partially filled. I also meet my relatives living here expecting to totally fill the emptiness but it was not always satisfying. There really is a missing link.

I don't know why Dagupan is so inexpressive. I always don't get the climax of travel euphoria. The feeling that links me to the past has been blocked along a time trail overgrown by lucid modernity.

[DAGUPAN] Zamora Street

[DAGUPAN] A silent, cool and pedestrian-friendly Zamora Street

Until I noticed this beautiful old cathedral; like I entered an another dimension in the city. The noisy busy streets, numerous business establishments tempting people to spend money and the hot weather seemed to be nonexistent.

The Missing Link

It is my first time to see this old cathedral. You know, I've always been a fan of old churches, ancestral houses and town squares. In Dagupan, the foregoing are so un-hyped. It's one major old city where CSI malls, boneless bangus and pigar-pigar are even more popular than the old cathedral, really. Yes, Dagupan is an old settlement where Douglas McArthur and his army once marched in World War II. But the glittering modernity is veiling the glamor of the past.

[DAGUPAN] Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist

[DAGUPAN] a gloomy afternoon sky and the cathedral

The first time I noticed this old cathedral in Dagupan I said to myself, "Where are you?" I mean, why for the past couple of years of traveling to Dagupan for the love of bangus, I've never seen this? Now I've finally found the missing link. It was the grand structures of the past that's missing.

In every place I go, I always look forward into seeing grand structures of the past (and usually, these are Spanish-era churches and cathedrals). Now I've found the gap. That tube leading me to sanity on travel is now patent.

[DAGUPAN] Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist

[DAGUPAN] Zamora Street relatively secludes the cathedral

[DAGUPAN] Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist

[DAGUPAN] The cathedral door is sealed by this steel marked with 1898

[DAGUPAN] Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist

[DAGUPAN] Sculpture at the façade

Dagupan has teased me many times. I was happy to finally see the source of the teasing. This cathedral made me love Dagupan as deep as my love for boneless bangus. I think I'm now contended this time. But of course I will dig history lessons more when I go back here. I'm at least happier now to have found the missing link; and that is the link to the past.

Stillness vs Busyness

The Old Dagupan Cathedral is a picture of stillness, silence and relative seclusion. The steel fence separates it from the busy daily activities of the Dagupeños. It's charm exudes words like "keep calm and meditate." However, in front of this seemingly silent cathedral is a daily picture of human routine that can not be calmed.

[DAGUPAN] St John Cathedral Façade

[DAGUPAN] Façade of the Old Dagupan Cathedral

[DAGUPAN] St John the Evangelist Cathedral

[DAGUPAN] In front of the Cathedral is a different world

In front of the cathedral is a busy market where people of all walks in life can not be tamed. Street vendors share a space with the narrow cathedral lobby separated by the intricate fences.

People come and go (they don't keep calm and go). It is a different world outside. Although I have been describing Zamora Street as a peaceful (yes it is), pedestrian-friendly and a not-so-noisy area, still, there is a human activity that can not be calmed down.

The busy market is filled with merchants and buyers. The economy revolves this way. I tried to approach some street vendors in front of the cathedral. What I discovered is a swing from spirituality to the reality (revealed in the next post). I still love the peaceful architecture of the cathedral though and I'm more than happy to have found the last piece to complete a life puzzle. And yes, Dagupan is one old beautiful city.

From there, what I discovered in front of the old cathedral is interesting. to be continued...

Dagupan #TownExploration Series

Map showing the Location of #Dagupan

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[TAGUDIN] Church and Belfry: Of Augustinian, Greek and Baroque Style

TEASER:"The church has been restored several times since but the original appearance is maintained."

[BADOC] Church of La Virgen Milagrosa: Black Belfry, White Façade

TEASER:"Looking at the façade, there is always a sudden gush of instinct that the façade is only superficial and that the real worth of the church is seen within and in between the walls."

[ILOCOS] Northern Exposure: Northwest Luzon Old Churches Series

TEASER:"I am really glad that I am living in a city wherein our living heritage and rich culture is a part of my daily life. I am living with the past that is truly meeting the future and I literally see structures as old as 400 years old everyday!"

[BAGUIO] Cathedral of Our Lady of Atonement in 10.4-Degree Chill

TEASER:"For several minutes, the sky is again turning into gloomy mode and seemed like the nature can not make a decision on what type of weather it has to paint to the sky of Baguio."

[DARAGA] Church Heritage Hidden by a White Paint

TEASER:"...it would be a better way to just hide the real face of the church's history than to lose it forever."

[PAOAY] The Multicultural Church: From Borobudur to Ilocos

TEASER:"Quite strange that a church where the religion of the people rests and focused is the recipient of a multicultural influence that even Buddhist influences, Chinese and others have played a part to its existence."

[BAUANG] Church Behind a Dull Wall in La Union

TEASER:"It was in a high noon and I can feel the scorching heat of the sun but the fact that behind that ordinary wall is a historical gem hidden, the emotions have overwhelmed the sensation of discomforts landing on my tan skin..."

[NAGA] Peñafrancia Basilica Minore: Modern Day Religiosity

TEASER:"So, it could not be considered as an antique structure since in the Philippines, we have numerous churches dating back as old as the 15th to 16th century but to note, it has charming architecture."

[Dagupan] Beyond Bangus: Industries for Hopes and Dreams

"While the old cathedral exudes peace and calmness, this area is the contrary. Almost everyone has a mission to accomplish. This street is action-filled."

What makes actual travel beautiful is the opportunity to see the small details not shown in travel magazines and shows. You are given the chance to scrutinize the place and discover what's beyond the most popular.

Zamora Street, Dagupan

[DAGUPAN] all walks of life gather here

This journey to Dagupan is not the usual way of looking for the best place to eat, the best spot to chill, the best place to take a selfie or the best place to flaunt the traveler/tourist's aura that I am guilty of at times. This is the journey I've been where I had no real purpose but to search for meanings. I reached Dagupan with no actual plans in mind (sounds cliché for the 'no actual plans' but I can't find another words to best describe it).

 Finding Inner Peace 

This is the first trip I made after I am about to overcome some failures in life this year related to charting my future. I learned that everything you want will not be given to you while the things most people want to have is actually in your possession but you just fail to recognize and appreciate it, like in my case.

God must have been teaching me a lesson that I don't own the world and certain things are reserved for the right person. When I talk with my friends, they say I am so lucky. According to them, I have this, I can do that, or I can go there. But there are just things that I wanted to achieve more. You know, I failed to appreciate the great things I have in my possession. I went out of way on this real life journey because of extrinsic pressure that I wasn't able to handle.

Zamora Street, Dagupan City

[DAGUPAN]walking down the streets of Dagupan

This trip to Dagupan was more of a personal reflection. I was not after the enjoyment of traveling this time but it turned out that I enjoyed everything. I acted like an insane as I walk along the different streets in Dagupan without clear reason or benefit I might obtain thereafter. I was here to understand the place. 

I turned ultra-happy just eating street food because I was able to understand the place. I got lost in my direction on board a jeep and yet it felt good because I was able to understand the place. So I was here to keenly observe, appreciate the simple things and learn a lesson from all of those encounters.

In the long run, Dagupan gave me the opportunity to reflect. I've found inner peace. I'm moving on.

The Real Life, Hopes, Dreams

I reached a cathedral in Dagupan I considered as a missing link. I am not a Roman Catholic, let's be clear with that. I don't even believe in religion established by man because for me religion is your personal relationship with the Creator. I happened to be very interested with cathedrals because of the history they posses, the art they show and the role they play in shaping a culture (and a society). In front of the cathedral is an instance of a living picture that contains a thousand philosophies and golden rules.

Street Vendors in Dagupan City

[DAGUPAN]hopes and dreams along Dagupan's streets

I noticed these street vendors in front of the Old Dagupan Cathedral ▬ a lot of them! While the old cathedral exudes peace and calmness, this area is the contrary. Almost everyone has a mission to accomplish. This street is action-filled. While some people might be joining the frenzy just for fun, most people take their tasks seriously (on my own observation). These tasks I am referring are the foundation for every family; and these tasks are motivated by the challenge to survive the daily tests of life masked by friendly voices and invitations to try their products ▬ mussels, oysters and some seafoods.

These people aren't usually seen in the glossy pages of travel magazines although they play a part in the travel industry. They serve as front-liners for the so-called tourism-driven industries marketed to tourists. I am not just talking about Dagupan here ▬ this is in general, most especially to tourism-driven economies. These people benefit though. At least their products are marketable but beyond what they sell are hopes for a better life and dreams that they want to achieve; out from these little industries.

Mussels in Dagupan

[DAGUPAN] a pail of mussels for hope

Oyster in Dagupan

[DAGUPAN] a pail of oysters for dreams


[DAGUPAN] or buying a cup of this for the vendor's food for the day

At the end of the day, this is reality. You'll see hardworking people under the guise of promoted local industries in many places. The reality is they do this for a living to realize their dreams and strengthen their hopes.

Things like the foregoing have opened my mind wider. Some people don't just go in this area to pray in that MAJESTIC OLD DAGUPAN CATHEDRAL

[DAGUPAN] Cathedral of St John the Evangelist - Overgrown Time Trail

TEASER: "Now I've found the gap. That tube leading me to sanity on travel is now patent."
. It is more than the meditation and prayer. They also act and do something to make their prayers do come true.▬ to be continued...

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[VILLASIS] I Didn't Know there's Tupig in Villasis, Pangasinan

TEASER:"Villasis is booming, many industries are flourishing, trade and commerce are doing well, but tupig, one little cheap food remains to soar high with pride from the community."

[PIDIGAN] Virginia Tobacco Farming: The Harsh Wealth of Abra

TEASER:"For sure there is a harsh effect to health and at the opposite side, there is a harsh effect for the livelihood of the people. Indeed a big debate."

[VIGAN] Palaspas-Weaving, Waving: a Philippine Holy Week Culture

TEASER:"This is just another Filipino culture that goes in 4 ways - arts, economy, religion and tradition..."

[CAOAYAN] A Corny Post: Weekend at the Corn Fields isn't Corny

TEASER:"This post might be corny, uh... trite, dated, melodramatic, or mawkishly sentimental, dull and tiresome but with pretensions of significance or originality, yet I think it is safe to say that spending quality moments at the corn fields isn't a corny stuff."

[BICOL] The Cultural Shopping: Things to Buy in Bicol

TEASER:"These products have been a part of the daily living of the Bicolanos and have become their identity - hence a part of their culture. Shop the culture of Bicol now!"

[SAN FABIAN] Pangasinan: Tuba and Talaba, Kings of the Road

TEASER:"It is noteworthy that these roads hail their own king. They ignore the jeepneys and tricycles but it has given way for industries to thrive in this town."

[SAN FABIAN] Pangasinan: Tuba and Talaba, Kings of the Road

TEASER:"Contrary to the belief of many, strawberries are not true berries, it is fragaria, as to eggplant, eggplant is not a vegetable but a berry."

[Dagupan] Century-Old PNR Train (Remnant): a Link to World War 2

"...it could remind us the bad past but it would be better if we treat this historical remnant as a reminder to acknowledge the great, good things of history."

Writing this post made me realize how useful Google is. I tried to find some reliable-looking websites to dig the history of this old PNR train that survived the war now standing alone near the Dagupan City Plaza. I read some historical accounts based on factual events and evidences and they blew my mind away. Nice learning. Dagupan is such a delight; but I'm not going to summarize the history here. It is so rich and beautiful that I don't feel worthy to rewrite it.

Old Dagupan PNR Train

[DAGUPAN] remnant of the old Manila-Dagupan train system

I never became wrong when I claimed myself that the small details of a place are the most surprising. If you're visiting Dagupan for the popular bangus or a PBB audition in CSI Stadia, you'll likely be missing the best surprises this city could offer. For the small details, usually the things you are not expecting to see are actually the priceless treasures hiding from the glaring light of the mainstream.

And in light of that, for a person who has no in-depth knowledge of the history of the city, who would think that there is a historical treasure in this city in the form of a train? Yes, a railway used to connect Manila and Dagupan. On June 1, 1887, a concession for the construction of a railway line from Manila to Dagupan was granted to Don Edmundo Sykes of the Ferrocarril de Manila-Dagupan. This train was also used during the World War II.

Old PNR Train, Dagupan

[DAGUPAN] Last remaining piece of history

Old PNR Train Dagupan

[DAGUPAN] Rain, rain go away. But this train, train stays.

Old PNR Train, Dagupan

[DAGUPAN] the old train in front of the Dagupan Museum

On how this train was used during World War II and on how this last remaining piece survived the war up to its status today are mysteriously interesting things I would never attempt to know. What are written on the surface of historical documents in relation to this train are very limited. Specific events, people and things are not always captured or saved by historical database. Knowing all the specific details would be almost impossible. There are just things that history does not want to tell to the future.

This train was a helpful machinery in executing violence during the Philippine-American War. The same transported soldiers and their ammunition that could remind us of the tragic past. Yes, it could remind us the bad past but it would be better if we treat this historical remnant as a reminder to acknowledge the great, good things of history. Ignore the sad parts.

It would be best if we recognize this thing as source of inspiration and good vibes to remind us how lucky we are today that we are living a life without the violence of World War II. If this train could speak, it would tell us how many lives were sacrificed in the war. But aside from the war, there are way more happy things that this train might have witnessed not written in history. I tell it again, "past is past," but it would be great if we draw inspiration from the good things of the past to shape a blissful future. /end

For the history of the Ferrocarril de Manila-Dagupan, check this helpful link: http://www.pnr.gov.ph/history.htm

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[Vigan] Hotel Luna: Overnight Stay in a Posh Museum-Hotel

"...what I saw was an instant relief without dissociating from the Vigan culture and heritage."

How time flies... I used to see that corner of General Luna Street and Ventura de los Reyes Street as a creepy haunted spot in the heritage city where I grew up. I may not memorize the exact view of every corner but I am at least familiar with them. I am familiar with the houses and the buildings. At times, I even know who are the families living in those ancestral houses. But on February 8, 2014, opening day of the museum-hotel, that street corner that used to be perceived by my senses as eerie shone with elegance.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna glows in the dark.

The external details of the hotel is a common scene in Vigan. The lighting effects? Well, many hotels here have done it too. But the change is remarkable since that ancestral house used to look dilapidated, abandoned and lonely. And for the fact that it is a museum-hotel makes this restored ancestral house interesting more than any other Vigan houses in the Mestizo District.

Hotel Luna in Night Mode

It was after sunset when I visited this museum-hotel for the first time. The elegance that I first witnessed was a perspective of the dark. I swear the daylight has another way of unleashing its dashing aura.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] Just after you enter the hotel, look up.

Forget about daytime for the mean time because I'm going to feature this museum-hotel in night mode. The interior is where the lighting effects become sensational. Bulbs and lamps emitting different colors lay a handful of grace magnifying the beauty of different sculptures and ceilings with obviously delicate details.

Being a son of Vigan, a full-blooded Ilocano and a Bigueño who see these ancestral houses everyday, my standard of a beautiful ancestral house is high. I first thought this was just a typical hotel in Vigan restored to attract tourists (and not us, Bigueños, because as I said, we see ancestral houses everyday).

However, as I entered the hotel, I was impressed. It has set the bar higher. Now every Bigueño should not miss visiting this hotel if they want to learn. This is my new standard of a beautiful 'restored' ancestral house. I am particular with the 'restored' character because nothing beats an ancestral house in their original vintage unaltered look.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] This stair is the original.

Inside the hotel is another experience you should not miss. All the sculptures and paintings you'll see were crafted by the hands of great national artists and celebrated painters like the famous Ilocano painter Juan Luna whose roots are from the quaint town #BADOC


FAST FACTS: Badoc is Ilocos Norte's southernmost town. It gained popularity for being the hometown of a national artist, Juan Luna, the man behind the priceless Spolarium.


FAST FACTS: Ilocos Norte is the home province of Ferdinand Marcos, the Philippine president who served the longest time. It also has fine beaches in Pagudpud and Paoay Church, a world heritage site.

Poolside Dinner

Another thing you have to witness and experience inside the Hotel Luna by night is the poolside dining with the relaxing music played by a violinist.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] A violinist serenade every guest.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] The pool is surrounded by this grand structure.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] optimum chill 

The pool emits a blue light while the violinist do the jazz and classic instrumentals on the playlist. It was just beautiful. Guests can actually enjoy the buffet with the ambiance of vintage elegance.

Stargazing in the rooftop

Another night activity to do in this museum hotel is to visit the rooftop, lie down (there are trendy couches you can use), drink your basi and enjoy the view of the ancestral houses clustered nearby and the houses lining the Calle Crisologo.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna rooftop

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] peaceful and relaxing

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] Sky is the limit.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] Carla and Darwin relaxing under the moon.

Together with some travel blogger friends Darwin, Julius, Carla and Christian, we witnessed the supermoon with the Ilocano wine basi made from sugarcane as the centerpiece.

The Loft Suite for the Night

Hotel Luna also gives the best Vigan experience when you stay with them. I mean, even the rooms were carefully designed to appear Vigan-ish. They will let you experience and see how the rooms of the elite of the past looked like. Some of the rooms like the executive suite have beds that depict the rich culture and heritage of Vigan. The designs were based on the traditional bed used by elite mestizos and heirs. I was given the chance to stay in one of their loft suites.

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] with a touch of the vintage

Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] spell c-o-m-f-o-r-t

[VIGAN] Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] a bed where it's hard to wake up

The great loft suite has erased all my stress. I entered the room tired from a walking tour around the city with travel blogger friends and what I saw was an instant relief without dissociating from the Vigan culture and heritage.

Hotel Luna room rates start at P5,000/night (regular rooms) up to P12,500/night. Buffet is available daily. Museum tour is also available daily during office hours. /end

Special thanks to Hotel Luna management for sponsoring our stay.

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[SAN FERNANDO] Thunderbird Resort: Santorini Touch in Poro Point, La Union

TEASER: "I never had the opportunity to travel overseas but as I look upon the orange sky, the ambiance of this 5-star accommodation is giving me chance to at least feel that I am in Santorini."

[MAKATI] Mandarin Oriental Hotel: Experience Summer with the Skyscrapers

TEASER: "A pool with a garden surrounded by Makati's skyscrapers and business establishments is I think an unusual way to make your summer a fun in the metropolis."

[SAN JUAN] Ilocos Sur: Tapao Mountain Resort and a Quick Stroll

TEASER: "It actually has low-rise mountains and hills placed with narrow network of roads to tone you leg muscles while biking."

[LAOAG] Fort Ilocandia: Royal Ambiance in Ilocos Norte

TEASER: "Inside the building, the feeling is royal. It is very Spanish era in nature."

[CURRIMAO] Playa Tropical Resort | Experience Bali in Ilocos Norte

TEASER: "A Bali architecture-patterned resort can comfort you, aesthetically created to feel the ambiance of summer!.."

[Vigan] Chula Saloon Bar: a Museum-Feel Restaurant Bar

"Restobars like this one make Vigan a more interesting place to visit."

Vigan is a city where the saying "forget the past" does not apply. The remains of its past is her beauty. Its heritage is her wealth. Its history is her pride. It is not surprising why this World Heritage City loves preserving its heritage. In light of that, preservation is already a way of life for Bigueños. Hotels, restaurants, spa, bars and even beer houses are not complete without a touch of the past. One of the most notable restaurant-bars I've discovered in Vigan with this character is the Chula Bar.

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] a replica of Juan Luna's 1895 tampuhan painting

I entered the Chula Bar in Hotel Luna amazed. I've seen many restaurants here in Vigan with a museum feel but Chula Bar stands out. Replicas of Juan Luna's iconic paintings are displayed inside the bar. I have to conclude that time that this bar was a tribute to the latter. 

Well, not surprising. A multi-million dollar original painting of Juan Luna is also inside this hotel. Take note, this hotel is named after Juan Luna although the street where this hotel stands is named after Gen Antonio Luna, the brother of Juan Luna who fought in the Philippine-American War.

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] artistic window of the bar

Juan Luna is said to be one of the greatest Filipino artists in Philippine history and definitely the greatest Ilocano artist of all time. 

Heritage Preservation in Details

Restobars like this one make Vigan a more interesting place to visit. The city's main attraction (ancestral houses) has evolved to a granulated, more detailed form of heritage preservation making every piece the eye can see a history lesson to enjoy.

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] the brick wall adds drama to the window

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] carefully and delicately designed ceilings

The word "bar" might sound as a thing of the modern pop culture but Chula Saloon Bar gives it a different perspective. According to our museum-tour guide, "Chula" means a girl who is paid to have an intimate contact with a man during the time of Juan Luna. It is also noteworthy that Juan Luna has an Una Chula painting in 1885 featuring a lower class woman from Madrid who explicitly portrays a flirtatious image, sexual confidence and worldliness.

The saloon bar, is safe to say, named after Chula (the woman painted by Juan Luna). But this saloon bar is not a place to flirt. As I said, almost every piece you'll see is a history lesson; whether it is a replica, an original item or a contemporary thing. What's beautiful here is that it can bring you back virtually to the past. 

[VIGAN] a smart corner for viewing ancestral houses nearby

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] bottles of wine in the saloon bar

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] inside is like a museum

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] comfortable chairs and dining tables

Window/s of the Chula Saloon Bar is a traditional Vigan window. It is wide to allow light to enter. It has an arched frame and wood bars.

The Merienda Buffet

If you have a hard time pretending as if you enjoy the history (since some find history a difficult subject), well enjoy the merienda buffet without getting away from the Vigan-ish interior. The merienda buffet starts at 2pm up to 5pm daily. Menu served changes everyday. For 175 pesos, you can eat until you drop.

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] The tables are ready for the buffet.

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] merienda buffet

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] Vigan sweets

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] bread with special egg toppings

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] puto with different colors

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] puto with cheese topping

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] Sliced sweetened bananas with sesame seeds

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] leche flan

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] maja blanca

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] lumpiang gulay

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] nuts on top

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] marshmallows

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] pancakes

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] guests looking on the food

[VIGAN] My mix

I personally love the carbonara, the pancake with chocolate syrup and the the food below.

Unlimited Halo-Halo

If you just want to chill, halo-halo is also served daily from 1pm to 5pm for 175 pesos (for single order). However if you've paid for a merienda buffet, you'll get a 50 pesos discount for the halo-halo,

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] This guest gets her own mix

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] They can get all they want.

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] for filling-up

[VIGAN] Chula Bar, Hotel Luna

[VIGAN] guests in the saloon bar

VIGAN] ready for consumption

Each halo-halo has one scoop of ice cream. For additional scoop, add 25pesos. There is a policy you need to follow: No sharing. No left overs.

For the next part of the series, I'm gonna give you you a virtual museum tour. Let's discover ivories, Swarovski crystals and million-dollar paintings. /to be continued...

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[TINGLAYAN] Chewed, Swallowed Frogs in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER: "We talked with joy behind the darkness. That dinner unleashed the real us. The candlelight was a silent witness of our fears, happiness and life's perspectives."

[BATAC] Batac Empanada: So What Makes it Special?

TEASER:"I have to say that I was so tired and had no breakfast at all but this 30-peso empanada gave me the energy."

[VIGAN] Exotic Vigan Food: Edmar is Certified Frog-Eater

TEASER:"If you don't have a strong stomach, tasting it would let you vomit. But I must, say, it is all in the mind. It is 'safe' to eat anyway."

[NAGA] Camarines Sur: I Ate Squid After 13 Years (Bicol Express Squid)

TEASER:"I thought I will never eat squid again but my travel infection is manifesting that conquering your fear and eating the food you never attempted to taste (or eat again) is part of the symptoms."

[VILLASIS] I Didn't Know there's Tupig in Villasis, Pangasinan

TEASER:"Villasis is booming, many industries are flourishing, trade and commerce are doing well, but tupig, one little cheap food remains to soar high with pride from the community."

[BANGUED] Peace for Abra: Roasted Cow for Peace

TEASER:"The roasted cow served as a sign for unity, it was only one yet it can feed many which can simply be related to the goal of P.E.A.C.E. for Abra group to unite the people in one with peace and harmony."

[SAN MANUEL] Pangasinan: Witnessing a Bayanihan Cooking Culture

TEASER:"I know it was not easy to sacrifice a time, your strength and effort but it was so enlightening that what I was seeing at their faces are marks of smile and sincerity rather than stress or expression of being tired."

[SAN FERNANDO] Halo-Halo de Iloko Balay - Refreshed in La Union

TEASER:"...this blue-colored old house-turned-restaurant has many surprises to keep that can only be experienced if you try to visit this restaurant."

[Vigan] 14 Things to See and Expect at Hotel Luna Museum Tour

"I can't believe when the museum-tour guide told me that the painting I am seeing is an original work of Juan Luna, one of the greatest Filipino artists in history."

Hotel Luna is more than just a luxury destination. It is the Philippines' first and the only (as of this post) museum-hotel outside Manila. This ancestral house was converted into both a hotel and a museum. So what to expect in this museum-hotel? Scroll down and I'll reveal my discoveries.

[VIGAN] You won't think this leads to a restroom

[1] Expect Inviting Restrooms, Like You Can Really Rest: One thing I observed in Hotel Luna museum tour is the clean and inviting restroom near the main stair. Nope, the restrooms are not for rent but I used this F-O-S to describe how clean and comfortable their comfort rooms are that sleeping therein is not an issue should you wish to sleep. I didn't post what I saw inside so you have to see it for yourself.

[VIGAN] chalk sculpture

[2] Expect a Sculpture Made from Chalk: Of all the sculptures I've seen inside Hotel Luna, this one is the most unique because it is made of chalk. Just don't dare touch it, you might break it. This can be more brittle than your post-break-up heart.

[VIGAN] Swarovski crystal, yes they're real.

[3] Expect Swarovski Crystals: Swarovski crystal might be hard to read and pronounce but they're real. In fact, the chandeliers of Hotel Luna are made of Swarovski crystals all the way from Italy! Your Swarovski necklace has nothing to say with this. Flaunt it when you're outside.

[VIGAN] deposition

[4] Expect Napoleon Velasco Abueva's Artwork. This one is called deposition, an original artwork made by Napoleon Abueva, a national artist. It is described as a small-scale relief of Christ's deposition from the cross. In 1976, Abueva was proclaimed as National Artist of the Philippines for Visual Arts by then President Ferdinand Marcos. He was the youngest recipient of the title at age 46.

[VIGAN] Inside a centuries-old treasure box

[VIGAN] original/vintage printing

[5] Expect a Baul with Treasures. Treasures are not limited to precious stones. In Hotel Luna, a treasure box that is older than any human being living on Earth is saved from total destruction. It contains printings written in a foreign language.

[VIGAN] a touch of Maranaw art in Vigan

[6] Expect Sarimanok Alloy Sculpture: The legendary bird from the Maranaw people of Mindanao has a place in Hotel Luna Museum. Sarimanok is known to be a bird with colorful wings. "Sari" in Maranaw means a garment with assorted colors. This one in Hotel Luna is unique because it is metallic and it does not have assorted colors.

[VIGAN] stairway to the grand sala

[7] Expect an Original Stair: The wood stairway in Hotel Luna is the original stairway that was built a long time ago. From here, you can imagine how the wealthy mestizos lived in Vigan centuries ago. This is older than the love life of Pilita Corrales and Gloria Romero. Grow old, neophyte.

[VIGAN] tourists looking on the painting

[VIGAN] artwork by Ronald Ventura

[8] Expect a Multi-Million Ronald Ventura Artwork: This painting (called "left behind") is a creation of Ronald Ventura. It's a multi-million-peso contemporary artwork obtained through auction. Ronald Ventura holds the highest Asian auction record at 11.8 Hong Kong dollars for his painting Grayground as reported by the New York Times.

[VIGAN] Surreal. Like I can't believe it's a Juan Luna artwork.

[VIGAN] Photo-opp with a Juan Luna masterpiece

[9] Expect an Original Juan Luna Painting: I can't believe when the museum-tour guide told me that the painting I am seeing is an original work of Juan Luna, one of the greatest Filipino artists in history. Better see this than seeing a romantic flick knowing you don't have a love life. Awkward!

[VIGAN] The Grand Sala Museum marker

[VIGAN] The Grand Sala Museum

[VIGAN] Tourists looking on the artworks at the grand sala

[VIGAN] sisters on a canvass

10. Expect a Grand Sala: The grand sala museum houses the greatest paintings in Hotel Luna. Included in the sala is an original sketch of Fernando Amorsolo and the painting of Juan Luna (9). The area is constantly monitored by a house detective. Artworks here are way more precious than Kris Aquino's talk-of-the-town failed relationships.

[VIGAN] a work by Ben Cab

[11] Expect a Ben Cab Creation: Benedicto Cabrera aka Ben Cab also has a space in this museum-hotel. The latter is a national artist for visual arts. This work is located at the center of the grand sala and it's made of steel.

[VIGAN] a tourist enjoying the comfortable bed

[VIGAN] another tourist just can't resist to sit

[VIGAN] modernity and the vintage in harmony

[VIGAN] executive ceiling

[12] Expect an Executive Suite: Part of the museum tour of the hotel is the chance to see its executive suites which cost P12,500 for a day of stay. One of the prominent people who stayed here is Sen Antonio Trillanes IV. Don't think he went here with a woman, he was actually with a group of men. The executive suites have beds replicating what was used by the elite mestizos during the Spanish-era here in Vigan mixed with the convenience and advantages of the modern technology.

[VIGAN] a collection of religious relics

[VIGAN] a collection of ivory jars

[13] Expect Ivory Collections: Aside from the great paintings by prominent artists of the past, I was also fascinated by the ivory collections kept in a special room. There is also a great collection of religious relics. Go see it for yourself. No items were broken so they wouldn't remind you of your broken heart.

[VIGAN] our tour guide, Joana

[14] Expect Courteous and Warm Staff: I want to give a big shout out for our guide this day. Her name is Joana Capillo. She made it sure her guests will learn interesting things. Another mention to Iron, also an awesome tour guide who has just finished his OJT here.

For the next part of this series, I'll bring you to the rooftop. I'll be enumerating 5 important landmarks in Vigan you'll see at the rooftop. /to be continued...

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[BONTOC] Museum and the Traditional Bontok Village

TEASER:"It is a place where I found the authentic answers to my questions."

[BATAC] Ricarte National Shrine, Museum & the Father of Philippine Army

TEASER:"Now I know how the weapons during World War II looked like, before my eyes. In this museum, it will feed your curiosity if ever you bring that."

[BATAC] Marcos Museum and Mausoleum of Ilocos Norte

TEASER:"That body is waiting to be buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani.
It is open for public viewing, but it is actually private. Uh, quite confusing, hard to reconcile but it actually exists."

[Vigan] Sunset for the Future, Inspiring People of the Present

"The Bigueño fishermen are heroes of the family they represent. I'm so proud of them."

So here I am again writing about the beach which forms a big chunk of my childhood memories. I still remember my uncle (actually my grandpa's youngest brother but we call him uncle) used to organize a trip here with our extended family and neighbors (20-30 people) every Black Saturday or New Year's Day. Now that I've grown up, I don't have to count 365 days to come here. I visit this beach whenever I want to unleash overwhelming emotions, both good and bad, sometimes, to reflect and have fun.

[VIGAN] He works with the sunset.

But one day when I visited this beach that has been a part of my growing-up years, I felt a bit emotional. I know I've inherited this trait from my parents. 

My mother has a soft heart to people and gets mad if she can't help them. I mean, my mom doesn't have all the means. She has limited resources so she can't help all the time. Every morning, I hear her pray for these people persistently. She has a loud whisper. I hear her (or maybe because the dawn is still quiet). 

My father loves keeping a lot of things even though these things are no longer useful. He puts a date to almost every item he purchases from weighing scale, television set, screw driver to printed photos.

Based on those characters, I surely inherited my traits from them. Sentimental value for me is severe and I have a soft heart to the elderly (not including those who have a justifiably bad character).

Let's go back to this Vigan sunset in Mindoro Beach...

[VIGAN] He faces the horizon.

[VIGAN] going through the waves

[VIGAN] with a net on hand

[VIGAN] a big throw with big hope

[VIGAN] persistence is a virtue

[VIGAN] but not all the time is a  lucky day.

The sunset I witnessed in Mindoro Beach means a lot. It is more than just the fiery horizon. I realized, this sunset is tantamount to the future of the fishermen living near the coast. How? I'm not a fishermen so I don't know their fishing methodology and timing but I observed they waited for the sunset before they threw those nets to the sea. The rationale? I don't know. But sunset was an indicator. 

These fishermen are not doing this just for fun. They must have been doing this for a purpose, great purpose. It's safe to say that this has something to do with their present and future.

I studied in a public school so I used to have a classmate who belongs to a family of fishermen. I can not appreciate her dark skin and golden hair those times. In fact, she is bullied for her color. But now, I would say, that classmate of mine is so lucky that she has a hardworking father. Her father goes to the sea at sunset to give her a bright future. He wanted to catch a lot so that he can sell it to the market, have earnings, have food and have the resources to send his daughter to school. My classmate also helps her father, hence, the skin color and the golden hair. Families like hers are those that can soar high.

The sunset signals the coming of the dark but her father deals with the dark to give her a bright tomorrow. So this sunset, again, reminds me of the past when I was still a student of a public school. This sunset, once again, is bringing back the childhood memories, like this one.

[VIGAN] sunset at Mindoro Beach

[VIGAN] Tomorrow is another beautiful day.

This is my latest version of Mindoro Beach that I've been writing about since I started blogging. What I've just witnessed this time inspired me. So I was compelled to write about it.

The Bigueño fishermen are heroes of the family they represent. I'm so proud of them. They do live with the present and work with the sunset with the determination to have a bright future. May the wealth of the sea prosper these Bigueños through the grace of God that'll overflow. /end

Notes: Please bear with this too personal post. The original concept of this travel blog (applies until now) is to host emo travel diaries with flashback effect :p


[VIGAN] Witnessing 2013's First Sunset in Perspective

TEASER:"...that beauty may fade but the memories will stay."
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[VIGAN] Mindoro Beach: Kissed 2013's Last Sunset Goodbye

TEASER:"It was freedom! I breathed the last set of fresh air from the ocean this year. I left my last footprints on the sand."
| 3 |

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[VIGAN] Mindoro Beach: Kissed 2013's Last Sunset Goodbye

TEASER:"It was freedom! I breathed the last set of fresh air from the ocean this year. I left my last footprints on the sand."

[VIGAN] Witnessing 2013's First Sunset in Perspective

TEASER: "...that beauty may fade but the memories will stay."

[LIGAO] Lovely Sunset Over Mt Masaraga

TEASER: "The clouds were trying to veil the sunset but their capability was just limited to conceal the glorious beauty of the orange sky."

[NARVACAN] Sulvec Bay: Sunset Over Paraiso ni Juan and the Memoirs

TEASER: "This sunset I am seeing brings back good memories of dreams and how the simple dreams were fulfilled. Owning a digital camera to capture the sunset was just a fantasy when I was still a student but became a reality later on. This sunset is making me remember that dream."

[STA MARIA] Magnificent Sunset Over a Remote Barrio Called Gusing

TEASER: "Unspoiled, sincere, peaceful, surprising - this is the sunset over a remote barrio that is not usually experienced in sunsets seen in crowded beaches and touristy islands."

[SAN FERNANDO] Pagoda Hill of La Union: Everyday is Valentine's Day

TEASER: "It is a no question why the couple I am seeing is faced before the sky because I have personally seen how romantic the sky that time is."

[SAN FERNANDO] La Union Bay's Enlightening Sunset

TEASER: "For the things I am seeing right this time, my veneration to my God goes stronger being amazed by this wondrous work-of-art that only a Man in Power with supernatural capability can make."

[LIGAO] Smoking Mt Mayon During Sunset and Twilight

TEASER: "The scenery was very unusual seeing a very majestic volcano standing so high in her own splendid making the surrounding communities nearby to live with awe and pride!"

[Vigan] Ancestral Houses: How Does (and Should) the Rooftop Look Like?

"The roof is part of the ancestral house package. Better see an original one before everything will vanish through time."

Every Vigan visitor will surely never leave the city without seeing the ancestral houses. Some even want to touch them and examine closely. Some sleep in ancestral homes turned into hotels and inns to experience the old time. However, only a few are aware how does, and should, the rooftop (of Vigan ancestral houses) look like. On this post, I'll show you photos of ancestral houses rooftops.

[VIGAN] rooftop of ancestral houses along Calle Crisologo

The original ancestral houses of Vigan were made by Chinese traders who settled here. The architectural influence of the Chinese is evident in the roofing of these houses.

A Chinese Influence

The early Chinese traders who settled in this world heritage city introduced terracotta-related industries like the jar-making in Pagburnayan which is a century-old industry.


[VIGAN] an example of a typical ancestral house roofing

[VIGAN] roofing made from 'baked clay'

These influences are also present in the Vigan ancestral homes. The thick walls of these houses are terracotta tiles piled together (locally called nardillo). The roofing is not excused from this ancient trend since brick tiles were also used as rooftop.

A Law for Preservation

An ordinance in Vigan provides that the original roofs and ceilings of ancestral houses should be retained. The functional and decorative features of these houses that are significant in defining the historic character of the building should be preserved too and identified.


[VIGAN] The brick roof is replaced by galvanized iron.


[VIGAN] relatively modern roof

Before the existence of an ordinance that define and regulate the renovation of ancestral houses, some houses have been restored improperly turning them to modern houses.


[VIGAN] a well-preserved roof (left) along Gen Luna Street

Thanks to the Bigueños who advocated for the preservation of Vigan's ancestral homes. There are also some who are not from Vigan but took part in the advocacy of preserving these houses. These people are heroes of Vigan. The city has been saved from the threats of modernity. Somehow, it's good to point out that although modernity has embraced the heritage city, it has not significantly changed the townscape of Vigan. The past and the present are living together making Vigan an exceptional example of a successfully preserved heritage city with community involvement.

Preservation was successful but it never became perfect. Some original roofs have been replaced by improper roofing so a guideline was passed into a law. Section 16 of Municipal Ordinance No 4 Series of 2000 provides:

1. Any of the following types of roof shall be allowed:
  • a. Pitched, hip, or gable based on historical precedent, with or without lantern-type air vents.
  • b. Flat-deck azoteas with balustrades and/or parapet walls.

2. Roof finishes shall be any of the following types:
  • a. Clay/brick roof tiles
  • b. Corrugated galvanized iron
  • c. Galvanized tile sheet
  • d. Tiled decks


[VIGAN] Soffit should look like this...


[VIGAN] ...and should be as detailed as this.

3. The eaves shall be detailed and shall, whenever applicable, conform to the following requirements for each portion enumerated herein as may be required by the design:
  • a. Fascia/edge of roof
  • b. Downspout and gutters
  • c. Under eaves/soffit treatment which shall be in wood, sheet metal or masonry
  • d. Cornice which shall be in wood or masonry
  • e. Brackets
The Roof Today

There is nothing permanent in this world, even these ancestral houses that the people of Vigan are obligated to preserve. Somehow, the only practical remedy to retain the old world in Vigan when nothing's left to preserve is to do a replica. 


[VIGAN] old and new together: solar panels on a rooftop

Many don't even know how the roof of a Vigan ancestral house look like. The roof is part of the ancestral house package. Better see an original one before everything will vanish through time.

Today, the brick roof has been replaced by modern roofing but the law made it sure that the replacement should still look like the original. With the advancement of technology, solar panels now invade the ancestral houses roofs. Truly, there is nothing permanent in this world but the people of Vigan made it sure that the heritage they love preserving will still be seen by future generations the way they see it now. In Vigan, the old world does not adjust to fit to the modern world. Instead, the modern world is adjusting to fit the old world in Vigan. /end

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[BATAC] Ricarte National Shrine, Museum & the Father of Philippine Army

TEASER:"Now I know how the weapons during World War II looked like (before my eyes). In this museum, it will feed your curiosity if ever you bring that."

[VIGAN] Arzobispado Nueva Segovia: Oldest Surviving Archbishop Palace

TEASER: "This is indeed a very historic landmark that tourists and travelers who are going to Vigan fail to visit or worse, even fail to discover the significance of it."

[BATAC] Ilocos Norte: Old Houses, New Lessons

TEASER: "Being curious is sometimes very rewarding. No wonder scientists become instant celebrities when they discover something out of their curious brains."/span>

[SARIAYA] Quezon: Ancestral Houses Must Stand Still

TEASER: "...it is happening to towns like Sariaya and new buildings do not conform with the baseline old architectural harmony. They disrupt the beauty and with the mushrooming growth of new buildings, tangling power lines keep appearing in an inevitable manner."

[DARAGA] Albay: Visiting an Albay Ancestral House

TEASER: "The lampshades, the flooring, the walls, the table, the chairs, the furnishing, the furniture, the ceiling fan and everything - there is nothing new in sight, they all look old!"

[VIGAN] The "Real" Color Behind Vigan's Painted Ancestral Houses

TEASER: "Some old houses were demolished and now their real color is popping out. The color of greed is now slowly glowing in the old houses transforming them as attractive it could be for business."

[Vigan] Crispy Bagis: Deep-Fried Pork Intestine with Suká

"From longanisa, empanada, sinanglao, warek-warek and pipian to name a few, one can conclude that Bigueños are not Vegans."

Vigan is not just about the old houses, the calesa and its museums. The Ilocanos of Vigan and nearby towns are passionate for food. Vigan has versions of many food we already know. 


[VIGAN] crispy bagis with suká from Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur

From longanisa, empanada, sinanglao, warek-warek and pipian to name a few, one can conclude that Bigueños are not Vegans. The Vigan diet is the opposite of Vegan diet since the former is all about meat... and uhmm, the cholesterol.

About the Food: Crispy Bagis

Bagis is the Ilocano term for intestine. The food I am featuring now is a pig intestine and this food (we call at home bagis-bagis) is one of my childhood favorites; even until now.


[VIGAN] This food is also called bagis-bagis (doubling the fun).

Eating pig intestines in Vigan is very common. You know, we love eating bagnet not to mention the plethora of Vigan dishes that are pork-based like longanisa, warek-warek, lomo-lomo, sinanglao (although beef and goat meat is used too), igado and many more.

So after the mataderos de Vigan (these are 'formally' trained butchers here) slaughter the pig for the love of bagnet and longanisa in Brgy Pagpartian (Pagpartian literally means a slaughterhouse), the intestines are saved and sold. Now every Bigueño can cook it all they want.

Where to Eat Crispy Bagis?

If you're in Vigan, this is a common food. If you're staying with the locals, you can just ask them to cook bagis. But if you want to try this in restaurants, Bistro Amarillo has it.


[VIGAN] The elegance is seen from outside.


[VIGAN] eye-catchy ceiling


[VIGAN] exterior of Bistro Amarillo

While roaming around Vigan, I went to Bistro Amarillo and rediscovered this old favorite. They deep-fried it and named it crispy bagis on the menu.

Bistro Amarillo address: Hotel Salcedo, General Luna corner Salcedo Street, Vigan City (just in front of HOTEL LUNA

[VIGAN] 14 Things to See and Expect at Hotel Luna Museum Tour

TEASER: "I can't believe when the museum-tour guide told me that the painting I am seeing is an original work of Juan Luna, one of the greatest Filipino artists in history."
). They are open everyday from breakfast to dinner hours.

Ending Musings

I've been living here for 25 years now (since birth) and I realized I'm not expanding and enriching the knowledge I know about my hometown. I usually blog about the places and the food I discover outside Vigan (but not Vigan itself). Now I realized being a travel blogger doesn't necessarily mean you have to write about far-flung places or the 81 provinces and the 7 continents of the world. I've learned to appreciate what can be seen nearby. That and that. For me that is traveling. Traveling is learning.

Expect that I'll be posting more about Vigan and Ilocos Sur for the upcoming days and please vote Vigan for the New7Wonder Cities of the world. Vote here: http://www.n7w.com/en/cities/end

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[VIGAN] Chula Saloon Bar: a Museum-Feel Restaurant Bar

TEASER: "Restobars like this one make Vigan a more interesting place to visit."

[TINGLAYAN] Chewed, Swallowed Frogs in Buscalan, Kalinga

TEASER: "We talked with joy behind the darkness. That dinner unleashed the real us. The candlelight was a silent witness of our fears, happiness and life's perspectives."

[BATAC] Batac Empanada: So What Makes it Special?

TEASER:"I have to say that I was so tired and had no breakfast at all but this 30-peso empanada gave me the energy."

[VIGAN] Exotic Vigan Food: Edmar is Certified Frog-Eater

TEASER:"If you don't have a strong stomach, tasting it would let you vomit. But I must, say, it is all in the mind. It is 'safe' to eat anyway."

[NAGA] Camarines Sur: I Ate Squid After 13 Years (Bicol Express Squid)

TEASER:"I thought I will never eat squid again but my travel infection is manifesting that conquering your fear and eating the food you never attempted to taste (or eat again) is part of the symptoms."

[VILLASIS] I Didn't Know there's Tupig in Villasis, Pangasinan

TEASER:"Villasis is booming, many industries are flourishing, trade and commerce are doing well, but tupig, one little cheap food remains to soar high with pride from the community."

[BANGUED] Peace for Abra: Roasted Cow for Peace

TEASER:"The roasted cow served as a sign for unity, it was only one yet it can feed many which can simply be related to the goal of P.E.A.C.E. for Abra group to unite the people in one with peace and harmony."

[SAN MANUEL] Pangasinan: Witnessing a Bayanihan Cooking Culture

TEASER:"I know it was not easy to sacrifice a time, your strength and effort but it was so enlightening that what I was seeing at their faces are marks of smile and sincerity rather than stress or expression of being tired."

[Vigan] Raniag Twilight Festival 2013: Float Parade - Photo Coverage

"The Raniag Float Parade is one of the highlights of the week-long Raniag Twilight Festival in Vigan."

Better late than never. Here's my collection of photos from 2013's Raniag Twilight Festival in Vigan which I failed to blog due to some circumstances. Raniag Festival happens every last week of October and usually up to November 3. Enjoy these 31 images! Hover on photo to reveal the magic color (the hover effect only applies to Desktop browsers and it is best viewed through Google Chrome).

Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
Raniag Twilight Festival ► Vigan
The Raniag Float Parade is one of the highlights of the week-long Raniag Twilight Festival in Vigan. This is how Vigan welcomes the Halloween. For the next part of this series, I'll be sharing to you another photo coverage for the Raniag Street Dancing which is yet another stellar festival highlight. /to be continued...



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[2] MORE... | 1

[VIGAN] Raniag Twilight Festival: a Bright Halloween

TEASER ► "...many of the participants created floats which are not so child-friendly and these include witches, zombies, aswang, kapre and other malignos."
| 2 |

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[VIGAN] Binatbatan Festival Street Dancing 2013 (Photo Coverage)

TEASER ► "...Viva Vigan Binatbatan Festival of the Arts happens every April 27-May 4. The street pageantry usually falls every May 2."

[VIGAN] Karbo Festival: of Carabao, Glasses and Seeds

TEASER ► "Events like this happens because this heritage city takes pride of its rich culture and heritage."

[VIGAN] World Costume Festival: Vigan Conquers the World

TEASER ► "The heart and soul were poured to those costumes. Passion was indeed evident."

[BONTOC] Lang-ay Festival: Cultural Extravaganza in Mountain Province

TEASER ► "...a lowlander can still witness their way of living, their traditions and everything a lowlander needs to know about their culture."

[VIGAN] Longganisa Festival: a Colorful Vigan City Fiesta

TEASER ► "The Longganisa Festival marks the opening of a year-long cultural celebration in Vigan."

[NARVACAN] Bagnet Festival of the Bagnet town of Ilocos Sur

TEASER ► "...there is a bagnet town 40 minutes away from Vigan called Narvacan that [really] produces great Bagnet."

[STA CATALINA] Larga Festival: a Vegetable Fiesta in Sta Catalina, Ilocos Sur

TEASER ► "How I wish that after 50 years, this festival will still continue and evolve to be one of the grandest in the country..."

[VIGAN] Binatbatan Festival: a Festival of Cottons and Fabric

TEASER ► "Binatbatan Festival traces its roots from the abel weaving industry of Vigan which has been in existence even before the Spaniards came to colonize the Philippines."


[Vigan] Raniag Street Dancing - Dance and Moves in the Darkness

"This street dancing is one of the must-see events of the week-long Raniag Twilight Festival."

Darkness is an element that can never hide from the power of the light. So for the Raniag Twilight Festival Street Dancing of Vigan, street dancers wrapped themselves with lights, glowing objects and reflectors to stand out in the darkness. Calle Crisologo became vibrant. The bright neon lights were disregarded. The glowing street dancers owned the night. I've watched this event and below are the photos I took.

This street dancing is one of the must-see events of the week-long Raniag Twilight Festival. For the next part of this series, there will be a river involved and this river will shine bright like a diamond. Any idea what shall happen next? Keep posted! /to be continued...

Vigan #TownExplorations Series

Map Showing the Location of #Vigan

Click map to view latest articles covering ILOCOS SUR


[VIGAN] Raniag Twilight Festival 2013: Float Parade - Photo Coverage

TEASER ► "The Raniag Float Parade is one of the highlights of the week-long Raniag Twilight Festival in Vigan."

[VIGAN] Binatbatan Festival Street Dancing 2013 (Photo Coverage)

TEASER ► "...Viva Vigan Binatbatan Festival of the Arts happens every April 27-May 4. The street pageantry usually falls every May 2."

[VIGAN] Karbo Festival: of Carabao, Glasses and Seeds

TEASER ► "Events like this happens because this heritage city takes pride of its rich culture and heritage."

[VIGAN] World Costume Festival: Vigan Conquers the World

TEASER ► "The heart and soul were poured to those costumes. Passion was indeed evident."

[BONTOC] Lang-ay Festival: Cultural Extravaganza in Mountain Province

TEASER ► "...a lowlander can still witness their way of living, their traditions and everything a lowlander needs to know about their culture."

[VIGAN] Longganisa Festival: a Colorful Vigan City Fiesta

TEASER ► "The Longganisa Festival marks the opening of a year-long cultural celebration in Vigan."

[NARVACAN] Bagnet Festival of the Bagnet town of Ilocos Sur

TEASER ► "...there is a bagnet town 40 minutes away from Vigan called Narvacan that [really] produces great Bagnet."

[STA CATALINA] Larga Festival: a Vegetable Fiesta in Sta Catalina, Ilocos Sur

TEASER ► "How I wish that after 50 years, this festival will still continue and evolve to be one of the grandest in the country..."


[La Paz] ▬ A Village of Abel (Loom) Weavers in Abra Called Bulbulala

"Who would have thought that today, their pasture became greener by keeping the inheritance manifested through their weaving skills."

[LA PAZ, ABRA, PHILIPPINES]▬ The cultural immersion I am experiencing in Abra seemed to never stop. After checking out the local products of Abra in the padaya trade fair, I've learned interesting new things, one of them is the weaving industry of Abra. Colorful fabrics called abel were featured in the padaya. But the search for learning doesn't end there because we're going to visit a village known to be the source of these abel products.





is known to be the source of the woven fabric called abel Iloko like this one woven in Abra. On how abel weaving started in Bulbulala, La Paz is a very interesting story I've discovered as told by a descendant of the original abel weavers who introduced this art in Bulbulala.

However, aside from abel weaving, Abra also has its own distinct traditional weaving done by the Itneg tribes which is different from the Ilocano's abel in terms of design, concept and purpose. But for this post, I will focus on the abel done in Bulbulala.

En Route to Bulbulala

For first-time visitors to Bulbulala, reaching the place is quite a challenge. Although there are road signboards showing the direction to Brgy Bulbulala, you might still need the help of some people to find your directions so I would suggest to hire a tricycle driver who is knowledgeable of the place.

Asking directions from the right person is alright. But for our version of this trip, there was a twist. It was spiced with some unexpected adventures not normally done along the way.



We were lucky that someone drove us to Bulbulala. However, the road leading to the village was closed for construction. But we didn't give up the search for the village. We used another route instead which is twice farther than the regular route.

We passed through narrow farm-to-market roads and a river. Good thing the river was shallow so we decided to cross it in the name of  traveling. We didn't expect that we'll be encountering this kind of situation along the way. We survived the route and reached the village by asking direction from people we met along the way.

Bulbulala: a Village of Loom Weavers

Knowing that we've reached the weaving village safely was a breath of fresh air. The village is situated in a hilly terrain. The locals provided  much help in finding our way to the house of a certain Naty Quiday, the most popular household name in the village in terms of abel making.











The contact person we were looking for wasn't around because according to one of her helpers, she often travels to showcase her craft to different trade fairs in the Philippines. According to some people we met, the weaving center we've just entered employs women from the community to meet the demands for the product. Leila's loom weaving is the name of the center and it is the largest in the village. However, there are also other households who do the pinagabel.

How Loom Weaving Started in Bulbulala? The Ilocos-Abra Connection

A man introduced himself to us as one of the owners of the loom weaving center. I can't exactly remember his name but he is very closely related to Naty Quiday. Ever since I've learned that there are also abel weavers (agab-abel) in Abra, I've been very curious how this old-age industry (pinagabel) started here. Upon knowing that their surname is "Quiday," a hypothesis suddenly popped out my mind on how the weaving started in the village so I have to ask the man to confirm if my theory is true.



My theory goes this way: In ILOCOS SUR


, one can tell where is your hometown (or the hometown of your ancestors at least) basing on the first letter of your surname. In Ilocos Sur, the original settlers of each town have surnames that start with the same letter. Like in the case of the town of #BANTAY


, original settlers here have surnames starting with letter "P" (Paa, Patubo, Pala-Pala, Pardo, Parilla, Pe Benito, Paroligan, Palpallatoc, Palacpac, Paz, etc). The same with the municipality of #SANTA


wherein surnames start with letter "B" (Bagorio, Bello, Balatico, Balallo, Brillo, Bueno, Benavidez, Bielza, etc) and many more.

In the case of the town of #CAOAYAN


, their surnames start with letter "Q" (Remember Pres. Elpidio Quirino? He's from Caoayan town.) and this town is known to be the home of the best and most numberof abel weavers in Ilocos Sur (sadly, the number of weavers is decreasing gradually now). Most weavers from Vigan actually live near Caoayan-Vigan boundary.



Basing on Mr Quiday's surname plus the weaving skills his family has, I was confident to tell him that he is not an original settler of Bulbulala and he must have come from Caoayan. The man smiled and confirmed that my theory is true. He told me that he has a lot of relatives in Caoayan and Vigan, the hometown of his grandparents who migrated in Abra in search for arable land for living. Carrying the bloodline and culture of abel weaving from Caoayan, they settled in Bulbulala and continued the learning they inherited from their Ilocano ancestors. Caoayan is one little coastal town at the mouth of Abra River.

During the old times, people sail via the Abra River to reach the province of Abra. For the ancestors of Mr Quiday, they've found a green pasture in Bulbulala but they did not forget the art they learned from their forefathers.



Who would have thought that today, their pasture became greener by keeping the inheritance manifested through their weaving skills. It's not all about the arable land now. It's about the weaving.

Ending Thoughts: Preserving a Tradition

The tradition of pinagabel is on its glory days. The demand for this fabric is getting high as more people are getting aware of the existence of these textiles. Unlike other arts and crafts on the brink of extinction, the best is yet to come for abel Iloko.




According to Mr Quiday, most of the weavers here [now] are migrants (usually women who married a man from Bulbulala). These female migrants learned this art in Bulbula for their living - some are already employed by the weaving center in the village. For these abel weavers, the life in weaving might be a bumpy road, but this road can still lead them to their destination - a place for success and prosperity.

We left Bulbulala satisfied. We witnessed the beautiful sunset on our way home and I'm excited to share to you where have I seen it. ▬ to be continued...




Abra has no beach. This river serves as a summer getaway. The sunset here is unique. It represents Abra's distinct landscape. Hang on for Part 4.
Part 1

[BANGUED] ▬ My First Midnight in the Hill of Cassamata via Oval Era

TEASER► ...as the sun sets down with the silhouette of Mt Bullagao, west of the river valley, I leave the place. I never attempted to stay there after dark.
| Part 2

[BANGUED] ▬ Padaya Trade Fair: Abra Local Industries' Heart & Soul

TEASER► I thought it would be another ordinary trade fair but I was wrong. The padaya gave me many answers on my search for truth and knowledge: reasons why I love traveling.
| Part 3 | Part 4

[BANGUED] ▬ Abra River Sunset in Calaba

TEASER► Abra has no beach. This river serves as a summer getaway. The sunset here is unique. It represents Abra's distinct landscape.
| Part 5

[BANGUED] ▬ Silnag: Night Parade of Floats, Lighted with Love and Pride

TEASER► Although the stigma of Abra in the politics world is the source of its infamy, there will still be a light to enlighten the dark ages.
| Part 6

[BANGUED] ▬ A Night of Traditional Dances and Cultural Rites

TEASER► I was surprised even more how rich the culture of Abra is. Very rich. Very unique. Their identity and culture make Abra a very interesting province to love and take care.
| Part 7

[BANGUED] ▬ Brgy Patucannay: of Waking Up Early and a Soup Dish

TEASER► I observed how they prepare this popular soup dish. They just prepare everything right before your eyes. I saw bones, mainly skulls, in a stainless basin.
| Part 8

[BANGUED] ▬ Kawayan Festival: The Biggest Cultural Show in Abra

TEASER► No million-dollar dance show can ever fathom the depth of the meaning of the dances their ancestors wanted them to execute.
| Part 9

[BANGUED] ▬ Bamboo Float Parade and the Cool Mountain Tribes

TEASER► They have proven that the province of Abra is a sterling destination for mountain culture lovers.


[1] Big thanks to Abra Vice Governor, Hon Chari Bersamin, for inviting us to witness the Kawayan Festival 2015. With me is Estan Cabigas of langyaw.com.

[2] The map I used below is courtesy of Eugene Villar on Wikipedia. Source: 1 | 2
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Location Map of La Paz, Abra, Philippines

Map Showing the Location of #LaPaz




[BANGUED] ▬ Padaya Trade Fair: Abra Local Industries' Heart & Soul

TEASER► I thought it would be another ordinary trade fair but I was wrong. The padaya gave me many answers on my search for truth and knowledge: reasons why I love traveling.

[DAGUPAN] ▬ Beyond Bangus: Industries for Hopes and Dreams

TEASER► While the old cathedral exudes peace and calmness, this area is the contrary. Almost everyone has a mission to accomplish. This street is action-filled."

[VILLASIS] ▬ I Didn't Know there's Tupig in Villasis, Pangasinan

TEASER► Villasis is booming, many industries are flourishing, trade and commerce are doing well, but tupig, one little cheap food remains to soar high with pride from the community.

[PIDIGAN] ▬ Virginia Tobacco Farming: The Harsh Wealth of Abra

TEASER► For sure there is a harsh effect to health and at the opposite side, there is a harsh effect for the livelihood of the people. Indeed a big debate."

[VIGAN] ▬ Palaspas-Weaving, Waving: a Philippine Holy Week Culture

TEASER► This is just another Filipino culture that goes in 4 ways - arts, economy, religion and tradition...

[CAOAYAN] ▬ A Corny Post: Weekend at the Corn Fields isn't Corny

TEASER► This post might be corny, uh... trite, dated, melodramatic, or mawkishly sentimental, dull and tiresome but with pretensions of significance or originality, yet I think it is safe to say that spending quality moments at the corn fields isn't a corny stuff.

[BICOL] ▬ The Cultural Shopping: Things to Buy in Bicol

TEASER► These products have been a part of the daily living of the Bicolanos and have become their identity - hence a part of their culture. Shop the culture of Bicol now!

[SAN FABIAN] ▬ Pangasinan: Tuba and Talaba, Kings of the Road

TEASER► It is noteworthy that these roads hail their own king. They ignore the jeepneys and tricycles but it has given way for industries to thrive in this town.

[Bangued] ▬ Abra River Sunset in Calaba

"Abra has no beach. This river serves as a summer getaway. The sunset here is unique. It represents Abra's distinct landscape."

[BANGUED, ABRA, PHILIPPINES]▬ The great Abra River is where the sunset appeared this time. So beautiful. It is my first time to write an article about a sunset over a river. I have one article though with photos of sunset over a river but the river was not my subject in that post (hover on photos to reveal the sunset colors).



As our service car passed through the kilometer-long Calaba Bridge in Bangued, the sky is inviting me to stop for a while, savor its beauty and listen to what my heart is saying.

Abra River Sunset in Calaba

The setting sun hovers over the mountain ranges while the river duplicates its beauty. Sky, mountain, river + sunset is so wonderful for me. My happiness is shallow, I know.





It is summer, yet the great river doesn't run out of water coming from the mountains. It was vast as the sunset - reminds me of my dreams that's so vast too. You see, sunset puts me into introspection. 





Floating cottages abound. People swim in the river. Abra has no beach. This river serves as a summer getaway. The sunset here is unique. It represents Abra's distinct landscape.

 Final Thoughts

In every sunset that I witness, there is peace. That's why I always post an article dedicated for the sunsets I witness in my travels. Beach sunset, mountain sunset - I have them on this blog.

I don't know, but I feel so peaceful whenever I see a sunset. I'm a person who prefers being poor yet with peace of mind than being rich with a lot of pressure and many things to think about. That's why I go for sunset. I choose peace.

Up Next

It was already dark when we reached downtown Bangued and what I witnessed was a parade of lights that defeated the darkness. Trumpets killed the silence. Sound and lights made the night so festive. ▬ to be continued...




Although the stigma of Abra in the politics world is the source of its infamy, there will still be a light to enlighten the dark ages. What are these objects for? Hang on for Part 5.
Part 1

[BANGUED] ▬ My First Midnight in the Hill of Cassamata via Oval Era

TEASER► ...as the sun sets down with the silhouette of Mt Bullagao, west of the river valley, I leave the place. I never attempted to stay there after dark.
| Part 2

[BANGUED] ▬ Padaya Trade Fair: Abra Local Industries' Heart & Soul

TEASER► I thought it would be another ordinary trade fair but I was wrong. The padaya gave me many answers on my search for truth and knowledge: reasons why I love traveling.
| Part 3

[LA PAZ] ▬ A Village of Abel (Loom) Weavers in Abra Called Bulbulala

TEASER► Who would have thought that today, their pasture became greener by keeping the inheritance manifested through their weaving skills.
| Part 4 | Part 5

[BANGUED] ▬ Silnag: Night Parade of Floats, Lighted with Love and Pride

TEASER► Although the stigma of Abra in the politics world is the source of its infamy, there will still be a light to enlighten the dark ages.
| Part 6

[BANGUED] ▬ A Night of Traditional Dances and Cultural Rites

TEASER► I was surprised even more how rich the culture of Abra is. Very rich. Very unique. Their identity and culture make Abra a very interesting province to love and take care.
| Part 7

[BANGUED] ▬ Brgy Patucannay: of Waking Up Early and a Soup Dish

TEASER► I observed how they prepare this popular soup dish. They just prepare everything right before your eyes. I saw bones, mainly skulls, in a stainless basin.
| Part 8

[BANGUED] ▬ Kawayan Festival: The Biggest Cultural Show in Abra

TEASER► No million-dollar dance show can ever fathom the depth of the meaning of the dances their ancestors wanted them to execute.
| Part 9

[BANGUED] ▬ Bamboo Float Parade and the Cool Mountain Tribes

TEASER► They have proven that the province of Abra is a sterling destination for mountain culture lovers.


[1] Big thanks to Abra Vice Governor, Hon Chari Bersamin, for inviting us to witness the Kawayan Festival 2015. With me is Estan Cabigas of langyaw.com.

[2] The map I used below is courtesy of Eugene Villar on Wikipedia.
Source: 1 | 2

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Map Showing the Location of #Bangued




[VIGAN] ▬ Sunset for the Future, Inspiring People of the Present

TEASER► The Bigueño fishermen are heroes of the family they represent. I'm so proud of them.

[VIGAN] ▬ Mindoro Beach: Kissed 2013's Last Sunset Goodbye

TEASER► It was freedom! I breathed the last set of fresh air from the ocean this year. I left my last footprints on the "sand."

[VIGAN] ▬ Witnessing 2013's First Sunset in Perspective

TEASER► ...that beauty may fade but the memories will stay.

[LIGAO] ▬ Lovely Sunset Over Mt Masaraga

TEASER► The clouds were trying to veil the sunset but their capability was just limited to conceal the glorious beauty of the orange sky."

[NARVACAN] ▬ Sulvec Bay: Sunset Over Paraiso ni Juan and the Memoirs

TEASER► This sunset I am seeing brings back good memories of dreams and how the simple dreams were fulfilled. Owning a digital camera to capture the sunset was just a fantasy when I was still a student but became a reality later on. This sunset is making me remember that dream.

[STA MARIA] ▬ Magnificent Sunset Over a Remote Barrio Called Gusing

TEASER ► Unspoiled, sincere, peaceful, surprising - this is the sunset over a remote barrio that is not usually experienced in crowded beaches and touristy islands.

[SAN FERNANDO] ▬ Pagoda Hill of La Union: Everyday is Valentine's Day

TEASER► It is a no question why the couple I am seeing is faced before the sky because I have personally seen how romantic the sky that time is.

[LIGAO] ▬ Smoking Mt Mayon During Sunset and Twilight

TEASER► The scenery was very unusual seeing a very majestic volcano standing so high in her own splendid making the surrounding communities nearby to live with awe and pride!

[Bangued] ▬ Silnag: Night Parade of Floats, Lighted with Love and Pride

"Although the stigma of Abra in the politics world is the source of its infamy, there will still be a light to enlighten the dark ages."

[BANGUED, ABRA, PHILIPPINES]▬ My experience in Abra last March (2015) upon gracing the invitation of Vice Governor Chari Bersamin has changed my perspective about the place and on how I view it as a province. I realized that the struggle this unassuming province is facing about its negative publicity, behind the mind-conditioning ability of mass media, is too much to bear.



We entered the Abra Grandstand at night. Everything seems normal. I no longer feel the tension I used to feel when it was my first time to travel to Abra. You know, those times, the notoriety of Abra embedded on the face of pop culture was a concept I used to believe as a first time visitor. I used to be paranoid. When I started exploring the province from the valley to its hinterlands, my view changed.

This time, I am just overwhelmed to encounter new things once again. If this is a drug, I am intoxicated now. I just can't contain the overjoy. The people in Abra are gathered here, at night, to celebrate the beauty of their culture and heritage. All walks of life are present. The tribes from the mountains traveled down to the valley to be part of the celebration. There was peace and harmony. You see? The notoriety is too much for the province to deal with. The people here just want to live a normal life. Abra is a peace-loving community.







Then I walked carefree in the grandstand locally called as 'oval.' I saw some policemen. Well, I thought they're here to function as peacekeepers. I was wrong. These officers of the law are here to play the trumpets and the drums. 

Linger, I asked myself why the policemen have to do this. Until I saw the beautiful floats emitting adorable hues of light under the dark sky. That was the hint. So this is the "Silnag" event I saw on the schedule of activities for the Kawayan Festival 2015. There will be a parade at night. The policemen will play sounds to summon the spirit of peace with the music of unity.



For this space of time, this event called Silnag is on its debut. For the very first time, floats from different towns of Abra were creatively crafted to grace the occasion. 

I noticed the cacao float from the municipality of Bucay. This gave me an idea that Abra also produces cacao particularly the latter town. So clever. This has become a channel to promote their local industries and a fun medium for learning.





I also saw this float with a giant form of men (probably Itneg) dressed with tapis and baag who seem to be dancing their tadek. The woman mannequin spreads her upper limbs while the man is dancing with his gansa. The float is portraying a sacred rite of the tribesmen. The tribes of Abra dance tadek during special occasions and rituals. They don't do the dance for granted. 

The makers of the float surely created it with love and pride. They showcased their beautiful traditions and way of living. It was just a float but it meant more for me. I've been exposed many times to the tribal villages and I've learned to understand their culture. My experience in their abode has taught me many lessons I've never learned in school so I've developed this mindset that the tribesmen are richer in many ways. That simple float you are seeing could teach you a hundred new interesting (at least on my part) lesson.











The floats, products of the Abrenios' love and pride of their homeland, are exuding more positive things. As I aimlessly walk in the oval while seeing these products of craftsmanship, I know there is more to discover in Abra. I've let go of the political stigma. I've embraced the good vibes this province could offer.


"Silnag" is just one of the events and features of the Kawayan Festival 2015. Silnag is an Ilocano word for "beam of light." This is a very timely event because I'm personally anticipating more good great things that will happen in Abra in the future in terms of tourism and economic development.

I know Abra will arise soon. It's just getting its momentum. Although the stigma of Abra in the politics world is the source of its infamy, there will still be a light to enlighten the dark ages.

After the Silnag event, I walked close to the gymnasium and I saw children wearing their traditional costumes. It feels great to see that the culture is passed to the new generation. But what are these children doing here? Why they are wearing these costumes? I am foreseeing a big cultural event that time because of the multitude of  children and youth scattered around the oval with colorful and amazing traditional dresses.

In the province of Abra, there is a dark age in its political history, but light will still defeat darkness. Darkness will never prevail. ▬ to be continued...




I was surprised even more how rich the culture of Abra is. Very rich. Very unique. Their identity and culture make Abra a very interesting province to love and take care. What these children are doing here? Hang on for Part 6.
Part 1

[BANGUED] ▬ My First Midnight in the Hill of Cassamata via Oval Era

TEASER► ...as the sun sets down with the silhouette of Mt Bullagao, west of the river valley, I leave the place. I never attempted to stay there after dark.
| Part 2

[BANGUED] ▬ Padaya Trade Fair: Abra Local Industries' Heart & Soul

TEASER► I thought it would be another ordinary trade fair but I was wrong. The padaya gave me many answers on my search for truth and knowledge: reasons why I love traveling.
| Part 3

[LA PAZ] ▬ A Village of Abel (Loom) Weavers in Abra Called Bulbulala

TEASER► Who would have thought that today, their pasture became greener by keeping the inheritance manifested through their weaving skills.
| Part 4

[BANGUED] ▬ Abra River Sunset in Calaba

TEASER► Abra has no beach. This river serves as a summer getaway. The sunset here is unique. It represents Abra's distinct landscape.
| Part 5 | Part 6

[BANGUED] ▬ A Night of Traditional Dances and Cultural Rites

TEASER► I was surprised even more how rich the culture of Abra is. Very rich. Very unique. Their identity and culture make Abra a very interesting province to love and take care.
| Part 7

[BANGUED] ▬ Brgy Patucannay: of Waking Up Early and a Soup Dish

TEASER► I observed how they prepare this popular soup dish. They just prepare everything right before your eyes. I saw bones, mainly skulls, in a stainless basin.
| Part 8

[BANGUED] ▬ Kawayan Festival: The Biggest Cultural Show in Abra

TEASER► No million-dollar dance show can ever fathom the depth of the meaning of the dances their ancestors wanted them to execute.
| Part 9

[BANGUED] ▬ Bamboo Float Parade and the Cool Mountain Tribes

TEASER► They have proven that the province of Abra is a sterling destination for mountain culture lovers.


[1] Big thanks to Abra Vice Governor, Hon Chari Bersamin, for inviting us to witness the Kawayan Festival 2015. With me is Estan Cabigas of langyaw.com

[2] The map I used below is courtesy of Eugene Villar on Wikipedia.

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[VIGAN] ▬ Abel House Decor, an Expression of Love

TEASER► This time, the ancestral houses can not run from this fever. These houses need to be a medium of showing to the world the Bigueños' love for their city.

[VIGAN] ▬ World Costume Festival: Vigan Conquers the World

TEASER► The heart and soul were poured to those costumes. Passion was indeed evident.

[BANGUED] ▬ Kawayan Festival featuring Abra-inspired Terno Fashion Show

TEASER► Kawayan Festival is Abra's greatest festival coinciding with the foundation day of the province.

[VIGAN] ▬ Longganisa Festival: A Colorful Vigan City Fiesta

TEASER► The Longganisa Festival marks the opening of a year-long cultural celebration in Vigan.

[VIGAN] ▬ Glass Mosaic and Boklan Arts, and Some Revelations About Me

TEASER► Yes I know, I am not perfect and I can never be the best example you might be looking for but I just feel the need to do my part and to start it.

[VIGAN] ▬ Abel Iloko Fabric as Decoration to Vigan Ancestral Houses

TEASER► It is exposed to sun, air, rain and other elements but I tell you, Abel Iloko fabric is very durable.

[VIGAN] ▬ Calle Crisologo and the Calesa Parade

TEASER► It was as breathtaking as seeing a natural wonder. They come in different colors, design and X-Factor...

[VIGAN] ▬ Pasagad Dressing and the Largest Gathering of Carabao in Vigan

TEASER► Pasagad dressing is another form of art where a thing called Pasagad is being transformed into a wonderful piece.
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